Chapter 8

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Dear, Journal

Our schools fun fair is starting today. It's really amazing how much fun it is. I am running the while thing. The theme is fantasy. I had the place decorated like different movie genres and themes. One half of the football field is Horror and the other is Little Mermaid everything is 'under the sea' it's beautiful.

Everyone dresses up and has an awesome time. Last year in the romance section we had a kissing booth and a bunch of couple games. And we have a best cotume/outfit contest. Last year I was the red queen and Ashton was my card minion.

It feels a bit weird flying solo this year but it is what it is.


I put the journal back in my secret place and got up and went over to my closet. I grabbed my burgundy jeans and white top on and put it on. I looked in the mirror and didn't look quite finished. I put on my buddist hand sign stament necklace and my caramel brown uggs.

I looked in the mirror. "Nailed it!" I smiled. I went over to my vanity and started on my makeup. I looked in the mirror and frowned. My once bright happy brown eyes have been replace with tired dull lifeless ones. I haven't gotten much sleep since this whole thing started. Im always on edge.

I squeezed out some foundation and spread it evenlythroughout my face givung some extra attention to my under eye circles. I primed my eyelids filled in my brows and dragged a plum tinted lip laqoure across my lips. I added a light blush almost the same colour as my skin and I did a cat eye for the eye liner and put on a coat of mascara.

When I was happy enough with the outcome I went down the stairs. "Hey daddy what's up? " I smiled walking down the steps. "Just enjoying the morning. " he smiled. "Mom's still asleep." I laughed.

"Oh thank god." He said starting up the coffee maker and I laughed. "Yeah we have about a good 10 minutes before she wakes up and another 5 till she finished with the bathroom so we're good." I smile taking two mugs out of the cabinet. He filled our cups.



"So you all set for the fair today?" He asked. "Yea its gonna be awesome." "You sure you wana go I mean a lot#s been going on you don't have to go if you don't want to. " "I worked so hard on this and I always go. You guys can come if you want." I shrug taking a sup of coffee.

"Yeah okay." "I think April would faint when she sees Elsa. The drama club is doing a 'frozen' section." "Yea she'd love that." "Footsteps!" I shriek spitting the coffee in my mouth into the cup.

"Gimme" he grabbed the mugs and the left over and dumped it down the drain. I fumbled for my gum when she walked down the stairs. "Here!" I whusper yelled tossing a piece of gum hus way just before she walked in.

"Morning." "Hey morning love you I really have to go though." I said rubbing my nose and popping the gum in mt mouth sneakily. "Oh okay have a nice day. " she said hugging me. I looked over my shoulder to my dad and winked at him smiling.

"Alright bye." I calles behind me walking out the door. By rhe time I got in the car mt phone started buzzing in my pocket.

From: Pops

Ur 2 good @ that

I smiled and responded


Lol luv u thou

Before shoving my phone back into my pocket.


"Hey lovely. Yoh feeling better?" Warren asked hoping into the car beside me. "Yeah yesterday was just a bit crazy." "Yeah I get it. Anyway you siked for tonight?" "Yeah it's gonna be awesome I got Carrie from the makeup crew for drama to help with our costumes and such."

"Cool cool..." "What is it?" I sighed. "Well..." he said turning away from me. "I got me a man!" He smiled spinning around to me. "And when did this finding of a man take place?" I laughed. "New Years." "Some strange actually agreed to kiss you? Not that no one would want to but you know with edola and stuff."

"Yeah but I did and anyway what was supposed to be a little New Years kiss turned into me liking him asking for hus number him giving it to me and him asking me on a date tonight." Warren beamed. "Wow. We need to talk 'cuz clearly my way isn't working. "

We lauhhed and got out if the car and met Dakota, Parker and Hunter at the front if the building. "Beat you." Dakota sang high fiving Parker. "Beat you" I mocked as they continued to laugh at me. "Anyway is ut safe to talk to you im a little scared." Dakota said putting her hands up.

"Ha ha." I fake laughed. "After everything thats been going in I was a bit in edge and last nights events didn't exactly help ease the nerves." I confessed....partially. "What's everything? " Parker asked furrowing her brows. "Uh long story....anyway you guys are coming to the fair tonight right?" I asked changing the subject.

"....Yeah." Parker said suspiciously. She's on to me. "You bringing...uh.....damn." I said tearing my eyes from Parker and turning my attention to Dakota. "Johnathan?" She chuckled. "Yeah I am actually. I really like him." "Good good you guys are cute." "This is the first year your going solo you cool?" Hunter asked nodding to me.

"Perfect. " I lied. I don't want to be alone I don't feel safe. I never feel safe and everyone is coupled up and im alone it's a lonely life. "Whatever you say." "Let's go in." I said hearing the first bell sound.

We walked in and went to class. I feel like someones staring at me. I turned around and everyone was looking down at theur papers writing. I thought I was looking crazy looking around so I did my work like everyone else.


School's out now and Im finishing my H.W.

Theur was a light nock at the door. "Come in!" I answered scribbling answer after answer on the sheet. "Bella?"

I tyrned and saw April standing in the doorway. "What's up?" "Harry said he wants to come to the fair with us." "Oh?" "Can he come?" "Apri- yes of course he can." "Yaaaayyyy!!" She cheered jumping up and down and running away.

I just don't have the heart to tell her. She really believes he's real. Who am I to ruin that for her. The doorbell rang and my moms heals clicked against the hardwood floor and the door opened with a click.

"Bells your little friends are here." She called. I sighed at my mothers choice of words and bounded down the stairs to meet my guest. "Hey Hey Hey!" Warren cheered Parker,Dakota, and Hunter trailing behind.

"Hey! Carrie's not here yet but c'mom." I said leading tuem all up the stairs. "So carries doing the makeup?" Hunter asked. "Yeah. She is amazing." I pronounced. "This girl really has talent." Dakota smiled sitting in my desk chair.

"She sound amazing." Hunter chuckled. "Wanna watch the walking dead?" I asked hoping they would. "Uh hell yeah!" Hunter said everyone nodding eagerly. "Awesome."

We started and I almost forgot about the whole make up thing. "You guys ready or..." all heads snapped in the directuin of the voice. "Oh my god you scared the crap out of me." Dakota said clutching her chest.

"Oh well I'm sorry. I only just got here." She said stepping into the room. "I didn't evem hear the doorbell." I chuckled. "But come I. You can set up at my vanity over there." I daid motiining towards the area in my room.

"Okay....who's first?" She asked rubbing her hands together. "I'll go first. " Dakota raised her hand. "Great. What look are you goung for? " "Well im working horror at the fair so.." She trailed off. "Awesome." "Can you like jigsaw puzzle in the face type thing? "

"Yeah I know of it thats great. Let's get you started."

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