Rising Darkness

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"Our Vastayan essence fades with each passing day."
~ Xayah

 The second Xayah and Rakan stepped into the village, they knew something wasn't right

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The second Xayah and Rakan stepped into the village, they knew something wasn't right. Everywhere they looked, it seemed as if the light had faded, like the energy of every thing around them was sucked away.

Xayah quickly rushed in front of Rakan, moving towards a large tavern in the center of the village, where the tribe leader lived. The people wandering around watched Xayah and Rakan with fearful expressions, making Xayah and Rakan more uneasy then they already were.

As Xayah entered the tavern, she was met with a pair of fearful yet somewhat relieved eyes.

"Xayah.." a weak, old voice said, coming from whoever owned the pair of eyes that started at Xayah, Rakan not yet making his way into the tavern, instead walking around and kindly questioning the villagers, only to be met with silence.

"Kikoh.." Xayah says, walking up to the frail Vastaya, looking over him.

"We were ambushed by these.. things. They weren't human, nor animal. They were like shadows.." Kikoh says, taking Xayah's hands and squeezing them.

"Do you know why they did this?" Xayah asks, looking at him, eyes full of confusion.

"They spoke in raspy voices that chilled me to my bones.. they said something about taking back what was theirs.." Kikoh says, fear filling every inch of his time as he does. "Please.. stop them.." he whispers and walks away, disappearing with distant eyes.

Just as he disappears, Rakan walks into the tavern, quickly rushing to Xayah as he sees her, confusion still filling her eyes.

"Xayah? Xayah what happened?" Rakan says worriedly, inspecting Xayah for any wounds.

Xayah thinks deeply about the things she had been told, processing every word, more and more anger growing as she does. Xayah quickly snaps out of her shocked state, eyes now full of anger and determination.

"We need to leave. Now." Xayah says sternly and walks out of the tavern, walking a lot faster than usual, leaving no time for Rakan to question her.

Rakan stands there, now being the shocked one, watching as Xayah rushes away. He quickly snaps out of his shocked state and rushes after Xayah.

"Wait, what? Xayah, what happened?" Rakan says, trying to keep up with her as she increases her speed. "You need to slow down, you're going to run out of energy faster if you keep moving like this." Rakan says, but Xayah just ignores him.

Rakan sighs.

Rakan quickly runs in front of Xayah, stopping her from going forward any further. He puts his hands on her cheeks and looks into her eyes. Rakan quickly embraces her, holding her tightly as she just stands there, her exhausted body trembling slightly.

Xayah has failed to rest much, if not at all, during the past few weeks. She had been focused on visiting the remaining village before snowfall, and when she dedicates herself to something, nothing stops her.

Except for Rakan.

Rakan always knew when Xayah was at her breaking point. He always forced her to stop and rest when she started to seem even the slightest bit tired. He worried terribly about her.

Rakan pulls away from Xayah and stares into her eyes. Rakan places a gentle kiss on the ravens forehead, squeezing her hand tightly.

"We can move to the next village that is about a day travel from here. When we reach that village, we are resting." Rakan says sternly.

Xayah quickly shakes her head and motions towards the village they were currently in.

"These people need us. They could get attacked again and things could be worst next time. We need to figure out what's going on here before we even think about resting." Xayah says, almost desperately.

Rakan hesitates, knowing that Xayah is more exhausted than she knows. Rakan can just feel like something is wrong. But she was right, they couldn't leave this poor village without at least trying to help them.

Reluctantly, Rakan nods which makes a sigh of relief sound from Xayah.

They head towards the nearby forest surrounding the village, trying to see if there are any trails that could help them with their search.

Before long, they come across a large field with dead grass, and instantly they knew they had found what they had been looking for. As soon as they took a step into the field they could feel the uneasiness in the air.

Towards the middle of the field, a pitch black object hovers above the grass, the show that it casts seeming too dark to be natural.

Xayah approaches the object, but before Rakan can pull her back a force hits her, throwing her back into Rakan, making the both of them collapse onto the ground.

Four shadows emerge from the object, seeming to absorb the light as they float in front of the object. Just by looking at them, a sharp chill goes through Xayah and Rakan, making the uneasiness intensify.

"What do you want from that poor village?" Rakan yells at the shadows, only to be answered with a slight humming.

"Give us.. what we.. desire.." the shadows all seem to say in harmony.

"What do you desire?" Xayah asks, confusion clear in her voice.

"Free..dom.." the shadows answer her, all four of them gently floating to the side to reveal the black object again.

Xayah takes a minute to think, then she nods and stands up. Rakan watches her, reaching out and grabbing her arm, but Xayah only smiles slightly at him, mouthing that it was okay which made Rakan reluctantly let go.

Xayah walks towards the shadows and the object, clenching her fist as three feather daggers appear between her fingers.

"Freedom my be what you seek, but destruction was highly uncalled for." Xayah says, eyes the shadows. They don't respond.

Xayah sighs and quickly stabs the object with her feathers, making it shatter like glass.

The shadows slowly begin to fade, and before long all that stood in their place was emptiness.

The grass in the field slowly came back to life, along with the forest beginning to sing its songs of thanks towards Xayah and Rakan.

They head back towards the village and meet up with the leader again, letting him know about what happened and that they were safe now. After a few thank yous from any villager that crossed their path, they begin to make their way towards another village, the one that Rakan had mentioned earlier.

"I love you, Miella. I know you don't like to stay in one spot for long, but you desperately need to rest." Rakan says, watching her with worried eyes. "I just want the best for us. For you." He says, using his other free hand to gently stroke a feather on her back.

Xayah shivers slightly as he does, enjoying the small amount of contact from Rakan. He never failed to make her feel better, even in the darkest of times.

"I love you too, Mieli." Xayah says, forgetting about all of their problems, just wanting to enjoy the free time they have as they make their way to the village.


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