Warm Embrace

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"Rebellions thrive on intelligence."
~ Xayah

It wasn't long after the two birds had fallen asleep when they were awoken by Ezreal. He politely knocked on their door, Rakan answering to be met with the young man rubbing the back of his head and apologizing, saying he overcooked dinner and that they were going to go to a nearby diner to eat, his treat.

With a smirk and a quick sarcastic 'nice job' from Rakan, he walks over to Xayah and gently wakes her up, letting her know as Ezreal wanders off to get himself ready.


After a few more minutes, they make their way to the diner. It was a small building about a 10 minute walk from Ezreals shop. Windows were all around it and 'Sunny Diner' was painted on the glass in large letters next to the door.

When they enter, they are instantly hit with a variety of smells, and on instinct both Xayah and Rakan smell the air with smiles on their faces. It had been a long time since they last ate in a diner.

Ezreal leads them to a nearby booth, sitting down on one side while Xayah and Rakan sit on the other.

They chat for a bit, getting odd glances from the people seated around them, making Xayah slightly uncomfortable and making Rakan pull Xayah closer to him instinctively.

"You know, usually I would just ask you to leave but I'm going to be nice and offer you all to stop staring. I know they're cute but I'd prefer my customers comfortable." A soft voice says suddenly.

Xayah and Rakan glance towards the direction the voice was coming from and see a short girl with blonde hair, just like Ezreals, standing near a pair of double doors. She sends a soft smile towards the two birds and makes her way over to them.

"I apologize for the rudeness of some of these people." The girl says as she approaches, "My name is Luxanna, but you can just call me Lux. I'm the owner of this diner and a light mage, and I see you've already met my brother." Lux says, gesturing towards Ezreal.

Ezreal lets out an annoyed huff but looks at his sister, "Thank you for stopping everyone from staring." Ezreal says, causing Xayah and Rakan to nod in agreement.

She nods happily but then looks towards the two birds, smiling once more, "So what's your names? I've seen goldie over there around town performing but I don't think I've seen you around." Lux says as she looks at Xayah.

Xayah just smiles, knowing Rakan will tell her. He was always the one to introduce them, he seemed to love doing it.

"I'm Rakan, and this is my mate Xayah." Rakan says, smiling at Lux which makes the girls eyes light up.

"Awww, you don't see Vastayan mates around here much, it's a nice sight." Lux says and giggles.

This earns a smile from Xayah, and Lux takes the time to let her eyes wander and then a sudden gasp emits from her lips.

"Oh! Congratulations!" Lux says as her face seems to light up.

A slight blush appears on Xayahs face and she mutters a quiet 'thanks'.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Lux giggles and talks again.

"May I speak to your mate for a second?" Lux asks Rakan, only to earn a curious glance from Rakan but he hesitantly nods.

Rakan moves so he's sitting next to Ezreal and Lux takes a seat next to Xayah, offering her a kind smile to try and lighten Xayahs nerves. Thankful, it worked and Xayah offered a smile back to Lux.

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