Seeking Comfort

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Can you feel the magic flowing? I can."
~ Xayah

Xayah woke up the next day feeling much better, even if she was still upset that Rakan ran off without her the night before. Xayah pulled the blanket of deer fur tighter to her as a chilly breeze passes by, warning her of winter which was quickly approaching. Shifting where she was laying, she feels like something was missing. She sat up, glancing over to her side only to notice the absence of her mate.

Xayah looks around their tent, bright light shining through the thin fabric as she takes in the silence. Xayah sighs, knowing she won't get anything done by sitting here, and crawls out of the tent, standing up and scanning the area, but there was still no sign of Rakan.

This made Xayah get a bit frustrated. He had promised to tell her when he wandered off, and Xayah held every promise very close to her heart. Rakan would never keep something from her unless it was extremely important, but what could possibly be so important that he would break a promise?

Xayah began to wander slightly, searching for Rakan. She searched all around their camping grounds and even around the nearby lake, but she found nothing. Not even a sign that would point to where he could possibly be. Where on earth could he have gone?

Xayah started to get tired, the no longer small bump on her stomach beginning to feel heavier she retreats back to their camp, sitting outside of their tent. Her pregnancy had resulted in getting tired more quicker than she would before, it angered her more and she could feel her mood shifting to more of an annoyed and impatient one.

Shuffling was heard from the right, and Rakan walked into view just as Xayah was about to let out a loud huff. Rakan appeared between a few trees in the distance and looked at Xayah, a worried expression on his face as he saw how tired she was.

Xayah stares at him for a moment before she looks towards an opening in the woods, opposite from where Rakan was currently standing.

Without saying anything, Xayah starts running towards the opening with the little energy she had left in her.

"Xayah, wait! I can explain!" Rakan shouts to her, running after her.

Xayah continues to run, ignoring his shouts and need to rest until she comes across an open field, stopping in the center, breathing heavily, Rakan not far behind.

"Xayah!" Rakan shouts as he enters the field, relief filling him as he sees she's stopped.

"How did that feel?" Xayah says, keeping her back facing him.

Rakan looks at her back, confused.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

Xayah let's out an angered huff, turning towards him.

"How did that feel? When I ran? It didn't feel good, did it? You worried and got upset, didn't you?" Xayah says, Rakan noticing her eyes, filling with slight tears as she yells at him.

"That's how I feel when you leave without telling me." Xayah says, looking at the ground.

Rakan slowly approaches her, pulling her close to him and wrapping his wing around her. He closes his eyes, feeling happy that she's alright, but also mad at himself that he upset her.

"I'm sorry, miella. I promised that I would tell you, but I didn't." He says, pulling away slightly and looking into her eyes, stating the obvious.

"But I have my reasons for not telling you." Rakan says, still staring into her eyes as he continues to back away.

Rakan raises his wing, the bright sun reflecting from his feathers, a design appearing on the inside of his wing where the sun just barely shone through. Xayah looked at the design, tears filling her eyes once more as she quickly runs up to him, embracing him tightly, her sour mood a second ago disappearing and turning into one that she couldn't quite explain.

"I have been doing this for a while, taking off and practicing. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't, I didn't know how to." He says guiltily.

Xayah cuts him off by kissing him deeply on his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck. Rakan kissed her back, wrapping his wing around her once more and pulling her close. Xayah pulls away, keeping her arms around his neck as they stare into each others eyes.

On his inner wing, a design of a single one of each of their feathers sat beautifully in a deep violet and a golden-yellow, along with a small feather in the center of them which was a mixture of the two colors.

Xayah didn't know what to say. She thought about apologizing, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She had been assuming the worst, and didn't trust her mate. She was wrong for that.

"I'm sorry, mieli. I'm so sorry I didn't trust you." Xayah says, burying her face into his chest.

Rakan doesn't respond, instead he picks Xayah up and carries her towards where their camp is set up, occasionally glancing down at her, only to see her eyes closed and her ear flat against her head, probably feeling guilty for running without letting him explain.

"Don't apologize, baby. I understand why you would be upset. I broke a promise and that was wrong for me to do, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell you. I wanted to surprise you." Rakan says, guilt now lacing his voice.

"But now I've told you, and I promise I will never keep something from you again. I love you so much, miella." Rakan says, the guilt leaving his voice only to be replaced with love.

Once they reach their camp, Rakan glances down, noticing that Xayah had fallen asleep. He chuckles slightly and crawls inside of their text and lays Xayah down. The movement must have woken her up, because not long after she opens her eyes, smiling slightly at Rakan as she yawns, a wave of tiredness hitting her, threatening her to close her eyes but she ignores it.

"Miella." Rakan says as he gently cradles her cheek in his hand.

"Yes, mieli?" Xayah asks.

"Marry me." Rakan says wholeheartedly, a determined look in his eyes.

Xayah thinks for a moment, then sighs, but smiles slightly.

"Not today, ask me again tomorrow." Xayah says, and Rakan nods in understanding.

He will definitely ask her again tomorrow, and every day until she says yes.

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