2 - And The New Journey Begins. . .

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Jonghyun's POV

when everyone left the waiting area,I saw something like a bag on one of the seats in the corner.I started walking to get tht bag.When I got near,I realised that the bag looking thing was a Guitar.I turned my head here and there to find its owner but found no one.I wonder to whome Guitar belongs to.It looked quite expensive from its cover.

'someone forgot to pick it up' I thought and picked it up.

I was with hyung discussing to whom this guitar belongs to.Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

''ahh. . .Excuse me?'' The voice said.

I turned towards the voice only to find none other than the Foreigner girl standing right in front of me!!! She was Actually standing face to face with me.

Her goggles were not covering her face anymore.N I was starled by her beauty.Her hazel eyes were of Sea green colour and were the most beautiful pair of eyes ever seen in my life.She was right in front of me,standing confidently. N I can see her every feature on her face.They were so perfect.She was perfect sculptured for being a star,model or any kind of celebrity.suddenly I grew nervous and conscious about myself.

''hey. . . Hmm. . .Hi! That guitar belongs to me.Can I get It back please?'' she asked.

Ok now I admit my English is not that good but its not that bad either.I got what she was speaking.

''H-Hi!'' I managed to say,but it sounded like I was stammering.well,I actually I ws!

''yeah! Sure.It belongs to you afterall''I said and handed the guitar to her.

''thank you.I just left it here only.

Thanx alot for taking care of it.It means a lot to me'' she said thanking us.

''Not a problem Miss'' I said while bowing.

''well,I'll take my leave now.Thank you once again.Goodbye'' she said and bid goodbye to us,We returned it with small bows.

She putted her glasses on and left.I just watched her walk away.

''yah Dino!!''said minho while nudging me. ''What's wrong with you.c'mon lets go otherwise we'll gonna miss our plane and manager hyung will kill all of us for that''he said and dragged me toward our flight 

'yeah what's wrong with me!Why I'm feeling strange and giddy at the same time!!!' I thought. 'Maybe bcuz I'm just tired of our hectic schedules' I shrugged and kept on walking.

On the plane we all settled ourselves on our respective seats.I was seating next to Key.There were murmurs all over the compartment as the idols were settling themselves and some were hvng a little talk with their fellow members.

Then there I saw her(foreigner girl) seating a few seats away from us.She was seating alone on her window seat,rubbing her arm.Her eyes were opening and closing firmly as she massaged her arms,trying to bear the pain.to herself.

''Strong girl'' I thought n felt bad for her. I saw her little incident when she bumped into Jaejoong hyung's gigantic bag.Her arm must've hurt hardly.But at that time she didn't winced in pain or cried like other girls do.I think she kept quite bcuz it was ''Kim Jaejoong's''bag she got hit by and there were lots of fangirls staring at her.

'I hope she gets better' I thought and with my head on key's shoulder,I unknowingly flewed to my dreamland. . .

---------end of POV-----------

---------Sneha's POV-----------

I settled on my window seat.Dad always reserves a window seat for me as He know I might fell sick while travelling.I flinched in pain when I accidently hit my arm while settling my bag.I started rubbing and massaging my arm.It hurts a little bit but I'll keep that to myself.I don't like to show the weak side of myself publicly.

Its been almost a week when I left India.Only My older brother know about it and fully supported me.He'll keep it a secret.I admit,I'm missing my family right now.Badly.I miss my Dad's care and presence.I miss my mom's sweet and caring nagging.I miss my sister's fightings with me on silly reasons.I miss my best friends bickering.I Miss MY REAL Life.

Then I remembered my meeting with that short Korean guy.He was cute,I must say.Thank god!he was not arrogant like that rude guy who didn't even apologised to me! HOW MEAN!HuH!!

At first I thought he didn't get what I ws saying in English.But fortunately he did. N replied to me genuinely.I really feel thankful to him for hvng my Guitar wth him.My Guitar really means ALOT to me.Its like my true best friend even though I Hv my Best Friends Forever,who loves me the way I am.But its a totally dffrnt thing when it comes to me n my guitar.I play it when I'm sad,I play it when I'm happy,I play it even when I'm angry,I play it when my emotions overcomes me n I'm not express them.I can play it my whole life.But I really can't. There are many other things I need to do.Being in everyone's eyes is not an easy thing.You hv to give up all your wishes just to complete other's.I kept on thinking about my Life back there and The new Life I'm going to persue.As I was busy thinking my eyelids felt heavy and soon I drifted off to my precious sleep. . .

HMmmmm. . . .Paris,I'm coming!!!

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