Slide into the DM's

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****Georgia's POV****

Tommy and Curtis soon moved away with the boys so all of us girls to our place on the swing.

"Girls I'm not going to lie he is proper dreamy." I told them all. "I was like getting lost in his eyes."

"Yeah Tommy is good looking." Amber said. "I think he's coming over here actually."

"How are we all doing ladies?" He asked.

"Good thank you. You two have caused quite the stir."

"What can I say? I was so nervous actually coming in, which is so not normal for me. I'm usually quite outgoing."

"Hi ladies." Curtis scooted in next to Tommy in the corner.

"Do you two go out a lot?"

"Not really I'm always training."

"How are you going to cope in the villa having like eight weeks off training?" Amy asked Tommy.

"Really well actually. I've been going at it a lot these last few weeks and it'll be nice to have some time off. Usually I've got my mum cooking me cheese and ham toasties."

"My Mum does the same."

"Any guy that is close to his mum usually knows how to treat a lady right." I told them.

"Totally. I just want to make it clear as well. Obviously I'm a boxer but I'm here for an actual romance not just to get my numbers up or anything."

"I could actually listen to you all day." I told him.

"Even I feel motivated now." Curtis said. "Just So you all know I can dance."


Before I got the chance to really speak to Tommy we had all moved into the changing rooms to get ready for bed.

"What are you thinking babe?" Amy asked. "Are either of them your type?"

"Not going to lie Tommy is like my type of guy. He just might be a bit young for me, I don't know. His training worries me as well, with his training and me at work we'd hardly get to see each other."

"Stop being so practical and just live in the moment. You're in this amazing villa, with some fit guys just enjoy their company and have a laugh."

"I'll try. What about you?"

"I was actually speaking to Curtis and we have so much in common. We were just bouncing off each other and having a good time."

"I'm so happy for you."


We moved through to the bedroom, both of us clad in our full size pyjamas. We probably looked ridiculous compared to Yewande and Lucie who went all out.

"Night Michael." He mumbled a reply before moving over to the edge, allowing me to get in as well. "Night Islanders."

It was going to be a very long night.


The next morning all us girls made our way onto the balcony for a little catch up.

"I think the more time I spend with Joe actually the more I like him." Lucie said. "Like that's so scary for me. I don't usually like guys at the start."

"He really likes you two though. You make a good match."

"Thank you."

"I think you have what I wanted at the start." Amy said. "I feel like yesterday I was so giddy and kind of made myself think I did like Anton. Just picking out things that I thought I liked. Today I'm calm, I know I've got so much time left here and not to rush anything."

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