Hot Tub Jealousy

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As some readers have suggested it I am going to make Georgia 19, so she will still be going her degree. Xx

****Georgia's POV****

After the boys all came back I made my way down onto the beds with Amy and Lucie. All I could think about was how quickly he went after the text, all the guys just huddled around him and they went to get changed. It was almost like he didn't have any girls in the villa to reassure.

"How are you two feeling?" Amy asked.

"I'm not going to lie I am a bit jealous." I told her. "I think what got me was that he didn't reassure me or anything. It was like he didn't have a care in the world."

"I think he maybe just got his head stuck up in the heat of the moment. It is hard when the boys were all quite excited about it. What about you Lucie?"

"I don't really know. I feel a bit jealous but not as much as I thought I would."

"That jealousy shows you do care about him though." I told her. "You must have some connection with him."

"I've definitely got a connection with him, I just don't know how strong and long term that bond is."

"Is it not awkward for you both." Sherif chimed in as he and Michael joined. "I mean you're both going for the same guy."

"I don't think so. I mean we're both just talking to him at the moment. Neither of us are going to ask him to be our boyfriend tomorrow. We're both young and just enjoying life."

"We've also been open and honest about it this entire time. I came to her to make sure it was fine and I'm sure she would have done the same."

"Who's going to end up with him in the end then?"

"One of us maybe even neither of us." Lucie said. "I mean we've been in here less than a week, I don't think we have to put ourselves with the guys that are here now. In the end one of us will fall hard and I think the other will respect that."

"We've come here for love and I'm not going to stand in the way of Lucie if she thinks she's found it."


We were just enjoying our evening when Tommy came back. He hasn't bothered to put a jumper on and let me tell you he looked very fine, I wouldn't be able to hold myself back if I was in a hot tub with him.

He chatted with the boys for a while before Curtis got up and came over here.

"I'm going to the hot tub. Her name's Molly-Mae." He gave Amy a quick kiss. "I'll see you soon, don't worry nothing's going to happen."

"Why are you going?" I asked him.

"She got a choice and she chose me."

"See that was nice." I said once he was out of our hearing range. "You've got nothing to worry about."

"I'm not worried about him, I'm just a bit confused about why she would pick him. I mean we're basically the only couple in here and she still chooses him."

"I thought that was weird." Amber said.

"I think what you've got to remember is we don't know what the public have seen. At least they didn't choose for him to go on the date."

"No, can you imagine that. That would be a kick in the teeth."

Just then Tommy came over and placed him hand on my shoulder. "Am I alright to steal Georgia?"

"Of course you can, see you later."

He grabbed my hand and led me through the villa up to the balcony. I think he was just conscious of other people listening in and watching our conversation.

"So how the date then?" I asked him.

"She's a nice girl and I'm going to be honest she is my type but I think going on a date just put things into perspective for me." He grabbed my hand. "Look all I can say is that if that was you and another guy I would be jealous."

"Do you still feel the same was about Lucie though?"

"I still want to get to know her and everything but I don't really want to be chasing someone who doesn't know where he head is at still. I need someone who knows what they want."

"I'm not blaming you for going on the date as I know you didn't have a choice but I am annoyed you didn't come and speak to me first." I told him. "I was right next to you when you got the text and I just wanted some reassurance."

"Sorry babe. I just think I was caught up in the moment and then everyone was so excited so I just joined in."

"Mm, well...."

"Come here." He pulled me over so I was near enough on top of him and sealed his lips onto mine. "I'm sorry."

"I think that makes up for it." I pulled him in for another one. "Come on let's get ready for Curtis coming back."


Lucie and I were just chilling on the day bed when Curtis came back later on and had his arm linked with Molly's.

"Everyone this is Molly-Mae." After passing her over to Michael he went and spoke to Amy.

"Come on I feel like she needs some girls around her."

We went over and she actually seemed really nice.

"I just want to make it clear I had no idea how serious Amy and Curtis were. Like I just thought they were still in that getting to know you phase." She said. "I know she probably hated my guts."

"I think she thought you knew a lot more." I told her.

"He friend zoned me within like ten seconds anyway so even if I wanted something to happen he wouldn't have allowed it."

"He is a good guy. So what's your type?"

"I usually go for bad boys. So like coming in here my obvious attractions were Tommy and Michael. I think they're the two I'm most drawn to."

After having a quick conversation we all made our way into the bedrooms to get ready for bed. I got changed and was just chilling with Curtis and Amy on their bed, acting like the third wheel.

"I saw you go off with Tommy before." Any whispered. "What happened?"

"We just had a chat on the balcony. He was really sweet and we did end up kissing." That made her squeal. "Shut up!"

"Do you like him?" Curtis asked.

"Yeah. I think with every day that goes along, the more I get to know him the more I like him."

"He liked you too." Curtis said. "He might not be secure on it yet but he's so different when you're around. In a good way of course."

"Better be." I joked. "Anyway have a good sleep and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye babe."

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter.

Another chapter is coming!!

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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