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****Georgia's POV****

Danny and Anton then went out with their main courses but I just couldn't watch anymore. It infuriated me that Tommy did absolutely nothing to reassure me coming back from the date, all I was asking for is a little smile from him and he couldn't even give me that.

"I'm done with this." I stormed inside and went and cuddled up on my bed.

Why is everything so complicated in this place? That girl out there is stunning and I'm never going to be able to compete with her.

"Don't get upset." I heard Lucie day as she climbed into bed with me. "Come on you don't know what's happened yet."

"He couldn't even look me in the eye Lucie. Either he's feeling guilty or he has no respect for me and either way I'm so angry at him."

"He might not have even liked her."

"Babe look at her she's stunning, with her Irish accent and big eyes. I mean compared to her I'm literally nothing. I can't compete with that."

"Stop putting yourself down alright. You're absolutely gorgeous and you know what if Tommy is willing to bin you off then he doesn't deserve you."

"Thank you hun." I sat up and gave her a big hug. "You're a good friend and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Thank you. Now come on let's go out there and show them who are the queens of the villa."

We made our way back out onto the balcony and Molly-Mae and Amber were leading the girls in shouting comments at Danny and Maura.

"Yeah well she's Irish and he really likes her." Molly shouted about Yewande.

They kept looking over and I could tell Danny was annoyed but for some reason that date didn't go on much longer and the boys made their way out, again with a double kiss.

Michael and Tommy were then up for the deserts and I went to the front to try and watch with Amber. There didn't seem to be much going on at Tommy's table so the main focus was on Michael and Maura.

"How's the desert?" Amber shouted and Michael looked over but ignored her.

"They're just being childish." We could hear him say.

Maura then did the unexpected and leant over to feed him a banana. I was literally screaming and all the other girls were expect Amber, she seemed to be still in shock.

"Are you alright?" I asked her.

"I'm fine. It will take a lot more than some desperate girl to get me down."

"Go on girl."


We made our way down after the dates had ended and the boys went first as us girls slowed it down.

"What do I say to them?" I asked.

"Babe let them come to you alright. Tommy should have some respect and came and speak to you."

"What about Maura?"

"Go and be the bigger girl. He'll be impressed with you standing up to her."

We made our way out and found all the boys huddled around the girls.

"Hi I'm Georgia." I said and gave Elma a hug.

"Hi I'm Maura." The other one came to give me a hug. "Are you alright?"

"Not great but thanks." I said and made my way around so we were all in a circle. "What do you both do then?"

"I'm an eyelash technician" Elma said.

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