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****Georgia's POV****

After a pretty emotional bye to Fran and Michael we all made our way back into the garden. I was at the back with Chris and I could see he was stalling to try not go back out there.

"Everyone loves you out there you know. We all adore you."

"Do they?"

"Yeah. Chris you bring so much energy and fun to this villa. I actually can't imagine this place without you now."


"Are you alright?" I asked just as Curtis walked in.

"Yeah are you alright man?"

"I'm alright basically, ah it's just hard to explain."

"That's fine. You don't have to speak about it, I just wanted to know if you're alright." Curtis told him. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yeah I think I'll be able to explain."

"You don't have to." I told him. "We're really not trying to hassle an answer out of you or anything."

"We just want you to be okay."

"I'm honestly fine. It's just hard to say without crying. It's good tears though."

"Hey don't get upset."

"I've just never really felt like I fit in."

"Mate we both understand and Chris you fit in here better than any of the other newcomers really. I've never met a guy like you."

"You're going to make me cry." I was welling up.

"It was so hard not to choose you tonight."

"Don't worry about it."

"You're incredible and don't forget that. I respect you so much, you're so smart and mature."

"Thanks guys." He said and pulled us both into a hug. "I really just needed a chat like this."

"I really wanted to save you too." I told him. "But remember that everyone does love you in here and if Molly and Jordan weren't in that bottom two you would have got a lot more votes."


"I'm going to miss Michael." I said that night as I cuddled up into Tommy. "But I think overall the right decision was made."

"I just think he's had the most chances of finding love in here and maybe now that he's gone Amber can fully move on. I do feel bad for Fran though."

"Yeah. She had a heart of gold."

"But we couldn't have saved anyone but Jordan and Molly. I mean they're our best friends in this place."

"That's what I was telling Chris before, I think he was having a bit of a wobble. I think if Molly and Jordan weren't in the bottom three a lot more votes would have gone their way."

"Oh yeah of course. He's slotted really well into the group."

"Yeah I think so too."

"Why do you think Jordan and Molly were in the bottom two?" He whispered to me as the lights went down.

"I really don't know. It could just be because all the other couples do have quite a strong character and maybe the public do like that."

"Mm. I don't know but I don't think they were too pleased about it. I think Molly thinks the public have seen something."

"Maybe they have but she can't be worrying about that. They've just got to get on with it and enjoy the short amount of time we've got left in here."

"Exactly." He leaned in and pecked me on the lips. "I love you and that's all that matters."

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