A Favor for Victoria

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I was laying on the couch texting Paul when Bella ran through the door soaking wet.
"Billy called said you and Jacob had a fight. I'm sure you guys will work it out." Charlie said and Bella ran upstairs.
I quickly got off the couch and walked to the porch and called Paul.
"Hey babe." He answered the phone.
"What the hell did Jacob do to my sister." I bluntly said and Paul let out an awkward chuckle.
"Rules from the Alpha. Bella can't know about the wolves. She's not an imprint or a shifter." Paul explained.
"Alright tell Sammy I said hi." I said before hanging up.
∞ ∞ ∞
"I'm gonna go on a walk in the woods." Bella said peaking her head into my room.
"Last time you took a hike in the woods you decided it was a good spot to lie down for a nap and we had to find you." I said and she rolled her eyes.
"Let's go." I said with a sigh as I grabbed my coat.
We start walking through the woods when an unexpected man comes to view. It's Laurent.
"Zoe." He said with a smirk.
"L-Laurent." Bella choked out.
"You seemed pleased to see me." He says to her.
"Well we aren't so you best be on your way." I said taking a step in front of Bella.
He got closer to us making us stand still.
"Do the Cullen's visit often?" He asked and I scoffed.
"Yeah absolutely all the time." Bella answered.
"We'll tell them you stopped by but I probably shouldn't you know how jealous Emmett could be." I said with a smirk.
It hurt saying his name but I had to. I could kill Laurent before he could begin to process what was happening because I have something he doesn't.
The element of surprise. He doesn't know I'm a Tribrid, he doesn't know and that mistake will cost him his life.
"That'd be true if he were here but he's far away isn't he." Laurent taunted.
"Maybe he is maybe he isn't but that's not important. Why are you here Laurent?" I asked.
"I came as a favor to Victoria." He said and I rolled my eyes. The redhead returns.
"Victoria." Bella repeated in shock.
"She asked me to see if Zoe here was still protected by the Cullens. She feels it's only fair to kill Emmett's mate since he killed hers. An eye for an eye." Laurent explained.
"You see the thing is Victoria's to do list isn't really on the top of my priority list." I said and he chuckled.
"Big talk for a mortal." He said and I laughed.
"Oh you didn't know." I said with a smirk.
"Know what?" He carelessly asked.
"That I'm gonna rip your throat out, with my teeth." I said speeding towards him.
I was stopped when Sam staked out of the woods in his wolf form. He killed Laurent and when I turned back Bella was gone, she ran home in shock.
When I got through the door Bella had already told Charlie and Harry Clearwater about the wolf in the woods.
I gave Harry a nod and he did the same in return.
∞ ∞ ∞
I was hanging out with Emily when Jared and Embry walked in with Bella.
"So you're the vampire girl." Emily says as she see's Bella.
"You're the wolf girl." Bella said and I nodded sending her a wink.
Leave it to Jake to get around Sam's gag order." Jared said and I nodded.
"Preach." I said as I threw him a muffin.
"You knew." Bella said and I nodded.
"Being a Tribrid makes me in on all the juicy secrets." I said with a laugh.
"So where's Paul?" I asked and the two boys eyes went wide.
"Embry." I yelled throwing a muffin at his head with extra strength.
"He phased in front of Bella and now him and Jake are fighting." He quickly said and I sighed.
"Yeah Bella punched him." Jared added.
"Bad Ass." I winked at Bella before walking out of the house since I sensed the boys.
When Jake saw me he looked to Paul. "Good luck man." He touched his shoulder before jogging inside the house.
"I'm sorry I" He said but I cut him off.
"No harm done. She's the one who punched you." I said and he laughed.
"She's got one hell of a swing." Paul said laughing.
We start walking hand in hand through the woods when he confesses that he's been keeping something from me.

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