On the Run.

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"Now!" Said Optimus. We all jumped over the soldiers and ran for it. When we got away a bit, we all transformed and headed different directions; Ratchet was following Optimus and I. But I couldn't.

One of the of the soldiers grabbed me with a grapple hook and was adding more and more so I couldn't get away. "Optimus!" I Shouted in a panic.

Optimus swerved to a stop, transformed, ran to me, then helped me rip of the grapple hooks. He transformed when he was done and told me to get in. I ordered Molly to transform into her flesh dog form as I transformed into my human form.

When we both rushed in and Optimus started to drive (Ratchet following), we were being chased by the soldiers. "Calling all Autobots! We are under target attack! Cease all contact with humans!" Commed Optimus to our scattered team.

While Optimus was driving, I had an idea and got the ground bridge controller out. I coded in a random place and the ground bridge appeared. Optimus drove faster towards it and drove through. As I saw the ground bridge beginning to close, I knew Ratchet wouldn't make it through.

As the ground bridge was just about to close around us, I leaned out the window to Ratchet. "Ratchet!" I said before throwing the ground bridge controller to him until I saw the chaotic scene go away with the ground bridge. Now, the scenery was vast, mild, dry.

I sat back in the front passenger and stared infront of me. "Oh God!" I said as the tears came flooding out.

"Hey, Hey! It's alright" said Optimus as his holoform came as he pulled to the side of the road to hug me. I cried in his chest; not from sadness or anger. But from just the shock of what happened.

Optimus rubbed my back as he calmed me down. "Listen" He said imbetween kisses on my forehead "right now, there has been no warning about this. We just have to wait until the government sort this out so we can return home."

"A-are we... On the Run?" I asked.

"At the moment, Yes." He answers, I pulled away from Optimus as I knew he had to keep driving and brought my knees to my chest. "but don't worry, everything will be fine." He said in a hesitant voice.

Optimus started driving as he looked at me sympathetically. He was driving for a few hours until he asked me "Do you have any money?"

"Only leftovers from our honeymoon." I checked and saw I had $57.34. Optimus drove on more until he reached a petrol station (gas station) and parked up.

"Get refreshments" He said as his holoform disactivated. I jumped out and walked to the paying booth. I looked around the isles. I was looking for reduced stuff that was cheeper; but also something that could last me a while.

I got:
2 Jumbo Pasta platters,
3 tubes of Pringles,
A 1 gallon water bottle,
And a thew salads.

All this added to $34.78; but because if the deal of that day, cause I spent more than $20, I got $5 off. So it led to $29.78. This means I have $27.56 left.

I walked back to Optimus and got in, I was greeted by Molly first who has been lying on the floor of Optimus. I put the bag of food in Optimus' compartment for later as I wasn't hungry at the moment.

Optimus drove on and it stared to get Dark, we must of been in a different part of America or even the world as I've only experienced a few hours of daylight. "Optimus, park up a second. I want to ask where we are." Optimus parked up and I hopped out again.

Molly this time thought it was walk time but I told her to stay. Molly was desperate as she didn't was to leave me in this scary situation; but Optimus activated his holoform, let Molly jump up to the seats and petted her. This distracted her well.

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