Birthdays and Tea

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So if you have seen my reading list (i dunno, maybe?) you can see that almost all of them are xReaders. And if you also see my bio, you can see that I say that I have a passion for them. I have been wanting to write an xReader ever since I started here on Wattpad. So if you aren't familiar, these will help you

(f/n)- first name

(l/n)-last name

(f/c)-favorite color

(h/c)-hair color

(e/c)-eye color

(btw this is my first xReader so...... :p derp)


".....Happy birthday to me" you finished blowing the candle of your birthday cupcake. You were sitting in a corner of your school dorm's kitchen. It was 10:00 and you were eating your cupcake in peace and quiet since you were only one of the four girls that live in the girl's dorms. You spent most of your Friday nights in that little corner between the sink and cabinets watching anime when the wifi occasionally went out in the dorm area.

After eating the cupcake, you stood up and regarded out the window. The view was of your Academie's entrance. You stared at the two stone pillars holding the banner that said "Welcome to Clarkson Academy". This was hell to you, you were just one day casually going to school, but then your parents droped you out here, in the Academie's custody. Who knows what your parents are doing, maybe they abandoned you, maybe they are just in Hawaii, or maybe just transferred you to this school and forgot to say anything about it.

You went up the stairs to your dorm. A simple one room dorm complete with a twin sized bed, desk, closet, and bathroom, very simple, except that your walls were covered in anime posters, it was the only thing that made you feel safe, being with the people you love, even though you were constantly told that you should forget all about it because they are not real people.

You were exhausted even to watch anime, which was weird considering you one day stood up all night watching anime.

You layed in your bed thinking "You are finally 14" (If you aren't just pretend)

You remember your grandmother once telling you, long ago, that in your 14th birthday, all your wishes would come true. But most people wouldn't wish for anything, because they stopped wishing, You thought your grandmother was just a nut, but she was right, you guessed that most 14 year olds don't do birthday wishes now days. 

You slipped away into sleep with your wish held closely to your chest

"I wish I could meet Ciel and Alois"


That morning, you woke up light headed and warm.


You noticed that your sheets were pulled away from your feet, actually, in the floor. You sat up to pick it up but there were two problems

1. Ciel

2. Alois

They were both sleeping, in your bed, you were between them and their arms wrapped around you. You couldn't help but to blush furiously. At first you didn't know if you were sleep walking and came across some Black Butler cosplayers, but they seemed like the real deal.

Alois to your left, Ciel to your right, cuddling you. You just couldn't help it anymore and screamed like the big fangirl you are. The both of them sprung awake in horror looking at you, held in both their embraces, and then looked at each other



"oh no"

They completely ignored you as Alois pushed Ciel of your bed and into the floor, Alois jumped of as well. He was about to punch Ciel when you shouted

"Stop fighting goddammit!"

"Who the hell are you?!" Ciel ordered

"Shut up bitch, this is none of your goddamn business!" Alois yelled back

They were both in their cassual clothes. Ciel was in his green suit with brown boots. And Alois was in his purple jacket and amazing booty shorts that could make every fangirl faint. Meanwhile you were in your (f/c) long sleeved shirt and black shorts and your (h/c) hair all messy from sleep.

"Well Alois, this is actually my goddamn business. Because I don't know how the hell did you two end up in my bed!" You said to him

"W-What?! I don't even know you-" he said when Ciel punched him in the jaw, leaving it swollen

"Shut up Trancy" Ciel mumbled under his breath

You still couldn't believe it, either these guys are VERY good cosplayers, or you actually summoned Ciel and Alois into your world

Ciel turned to you, you were still thinking what the hell just happened. When he looked behind you, he saw your Black Butler poster of him and Sebastian, where he is pinching Ciel's cheeks to make him smile.

"Who the hell are you?"Ciel asked

"Yeah, and how do you know my name bitch?" Alois said

"I'm (f/n), (f/n) (l/n). And never call me bitch ever again!" You said yelling the last part to Alois

After that, you explained that they were in an anime all along. At first they didn't believe you, but you then took out your phone and (after explaining them modern technology) showed them the Black Butler episode when Ciel and Alois first meet.

"Well I do look good in that dress" Alois said admiring his animated self

"Wait a second" Ciel mumbled. He took f his eyepatch and revealed his purple-ish contract sign.

"I order you Sebastian, to come here and rescue me, this is an order!" he said

Alois began to do the same thng, but since his contract sign is on his tongue he said something like

"I odar u Cloud, gey here wite now"

Nothing happened, their contracts didn't even glow. You said they might be unreachable from  this dimension.

Once they accepted that their whole life was just for entertainment, they began to look a little depressed. You needed to up the mood a little, since you couldn't even bear your own. Since you still haven't eaten breakfast yet, you asked

"You two want somethng to eat?"You said it in the calmest voice you could, because inside, the butterflies are attacking your insides.

"I don't suppose you have Earl Grey tea" Ciel said

You remembered that you actually saw Earl Grey tea in the supermarket one day and you bought it. You didn't even drink tea, but you just needed it.

"Come with me if you want tea" you said in a dramatic voice. The tea obsessed boys followed you downstairs into the kitchen,

You heard a couple of laughs from inside the kitchen just before you entered. You thought it was nothing but when you entered, it was something. Inside the kitchen was your bully and her friend, you hated her so much. This is gonna be bad you thought


so? *v* *waiting


okey Q-Q

haha. so How do you lke it? Please tell me if I should continue the story




Wish-AloisxReaderxCiel~Black ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now