The Discovery

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Cedrics POV:
     It's been a few days since I've last seen or heard from Harry. I'm worried about him.

     I start to pace back and forth. As I was pacing, I noticed a note being slipped under the door of the room I'm in.

The note read:
     I know you like Harry Potter. I'm going to tell him. Today at dinner.
          - A Slytherin.

     Oh my gosh! It's two hours until dinner! I need to find him and tell him first! Ugh. I wanted to make it special when I told him, but he's not out of the closet. I guess I'll have to owl him to meet me in the room of requirements in 15 minutes.

Harry's POV:
     I've been avoiding Cedric at all costs. A few days ago I've noticed that my feelings for Cedric are stronger then I thought. I don't know how to act around him anymore. I didn't think I should tell him and ruin our friendship; so I tried to stay away from him.

I have to go to dinner now. Ron and Hermione told me that they wouldn't bring me up leftovers anymore because it's been 3 days since I've gone to breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

     As I'm walking out of the Gryffindor common room; a messenger owl landed on my arm with a note from Cedric.

The note read:
     Meet me in the room of requirements in 15 minutes. It's important.  - Cedric

     That's weird. What would he have to talk about? We haven't seen each other for days. I should go.

     As I'm walking into the room Cedric is in, I'm in shock. I am in a room that looks like roses threw up all over the room... Wait a minute... is this some sort of sick joke?

Cedric's POV:
As Harry walks in I get anxious. I'm looking at his face and he looks confused. I walk into the light so he can see me; I'm in a tux, holding roses.

     "Harry Potter," I waited for him to look up at me, "I have liked you ever since the first day we met." I'm so embarrassed at this point that I had to look down.

Harry's POV:
  I'm stunned that he had the courage to do this! At the same time, my heart is beating so fast. I'm so happy he feels the same way as me! -- I realized that I've been looking down at the floor the whole time. I look up to see him looking at the ground with tears forming in his eyes.

      "I've never been in a relationship before." I said hoping it will grab his attention. He immediately snapped his head up to look at me with hopeful eyes. "I have feelings for you too." I ran to him and kissed him passionately.

Cedric's POV:
I was caught by surprise; as we were kissing, Harry jumped and wrapped his legs around me. At this point, I only had one question. As we released our lips I had to ask, "Are we dating?"

     Harry jumped down, "Of course we are!"

     I sighed in relief and looked at the time, "We should probably start heading to dinner." I held out my hand, as he nodded in agreement. He took my hand and we walked to dinner together.

Harry's POV:
As we walked toward the dining hall I had the urge to stop holding his hand. "Cedric," I said as I let go of his hand, "I'm not ready to come out to anyone yet." I looked down ashamed.

     He grabs my chin and makes me look toward him. "That's okay Harry, it was never my intention to make you come out. We can take it slow, and you can tell who you want when you want. In the meantime, we can act like friends in public, but boyfriends when no one is around. Does that sound good?"

     I was surprised that he took that so well. I've heard stories from the internet that in most cases the boyfriend breaks up with them or forces the other to come out. "That sounds like a plan. Thank you for being so understanding!" I kissed him on the cheek. We continued heading towards the dining hall talking about quidditch.

     As I sat down at the Gryffindor table I was grinning from ear to ear just thinking about Cedric and his lips.

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