Chapter 3 ~ Arrival ~

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The sky was clear as you drove, light clouds floating around every once in a while to cover the light of the sun. The scenery around you was something you hadn't seen in a long time... it'd been years since you actually went to visit Amelia's home, always meeting her half way to have those days out shopping and eating. But she was the only one you wanted to go to... the house, you're house, was far too unnerving to be at now.

You'd lucked out that night in more than one way. A man, out late at night searching for his dog in the storm and driving along side ditches in his four wheeler, heard your screaming through the rain and thunder- a miracle as well as the circumstance of him being there. Of course, he'd called 911 after then seeing the door broken down and blowing freely in the stormy winds.

Thinking about that night... it brought terror into your heart... you thought maybe the police wouldn't of believed you, saying a man came out of your closet. But there was multiple pieces of evidence the three left behind... the purple bruises around your wrists being one. When you glanced down at them around your car wheel, you could feel his hands there, pressing you into the mattress, his hidden face analyzing you. The knife by his side, ready to kill you with one fatal blow...

Why did he let me live?

His eyes seemed soft, yet his voice was unforgiving, harsh and to the point. There seemed to be no mercy in his being and yet here you were, driving miles and miles away to stay at a friends house until this all blew over.

You could still remember his voice, the dark tone it held, the gravely way he spoke to you, the authoritative and snappy way he could make your mouth shut with just two words. It haunted you.

By the time that you had gotten there, you were already exhausted. Granted this could've been because of the long car ride or maybe just the stress in general, but at least you had somebody who understood.

The moment you saw her, she embraced you, no words spoken. It was a silent hug, tight and understanding as you both stood there for a moment, your bags in your hands. "I'm so happy your okay." Was the only thing she said, holding you for just a bit longer. You hadn't talked too much to Amelia in a while, but that was the thing about friends, they were always going to be there for you regardless. Silently, you nodded your head, holding back tears that had been waiting all day to arrive. "Me too-" you replied, giving a small laugh as you both pulled away.

She gave a small laugh in reply, trying to hide that sad look she clearly had in her eyes as she then glanced down at your bags. "Here, I can help you with those." You nodded your head, picking up other miscellaneous items from the ground, "thanks".

Both of you walked into the house that Amelia had been living in for quite some time now. Recently, her and her boyfriend had gone through a fairly unpleasant breakup (as if any break up was usually pleasant) and he'd just finished moving all his items from her home. "So if you see anything that may be his, you can either put it in those boxes down by the door, or hell just throw it away." At this you gave a quick laugh, nodding your head and the two of your brought your luggage to the upstairs bedroom.

"It really is super nice to see you again," Amelia started up as the two of you turned into the entrance to the bedroom, filling the silent air in some way. "It's really nice to see you again too," you replied, glancing about the room for a brief moment. "I feel like I haven't seen you in a long ass time." You joked, setting the rest of your bags onto the floor. She smiled, soft shoulder length blond hair shifting as she brushed it away from her face. "It really has been a while..."

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