Chapter 1: No Inhibitions

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    “Shit, I am so fucking late!” I say as I run around my apartment grabbing my wallet and keys.

    “He’s going to kill you, you know that right?” Jayla, my roommate and best friend, says.

    “Don’t fucking remind me!” as I put my other shoe on, and head towards the door.

    “Bring me back something to eat!” I hear as I run out. “Fat chance of that happening,” I think to myself.

    I take a look at the time on my cell phone and realize that I’m already supposed to be at the restaurant. Thankfully, it’s only right around the corner, but I knew how much of a stickler Xavier was for time. I love my brother, I do, however most times I feel that instead of having an older sibling, I feel as though I got a second father. At least with my father, he lets me make my own mistakes; Xavier on the other hand, leave it to him, and he’d wrap me up in bubble wrap, and encase me in glass.

    I open the door to enter our favorite diner, already seeing Xavier with a particular scowl that would have any person absolutely terrified to deal with him. Me on the other hand, I knew all I had to do was bat my cognac colored eyes at him, and he was putty in my hands. He was too preoccupied in his thoughts, when I approached the table, because he almost jumped out of his skin when I went to sit down.

    “Jesus Xo!”

    “My bad Xay, I didn’t mean to startle you. Everything okay?”

    “Nothing to worry your head over. Say, where have you been? You know you’re 20 minutes late right?”

    I roll my eyes and sigh, “Yes Xay, I DO know how to tell time you know?”

    “If you do, then you would know that being late and making someone wait is rude and inconsiderate.”

    “Jeez DAD, I’m sorry.”

    He gives me this sneering look because I know how much he hates when I say that, and considering that he’s fifteen years older than me, he might as well be. I’d have to say he looks good for his age, but I think it’s the fact of aging altogether.

    “Whatever. First you, then Jace. I don’t even know why I even bother with you both.”

    “What you mean Jace? Is he always late too?”

    I had always had a major crush on Jace Young as far back as I could remember, but never said anything because of Xavier. Plus, Jace seemed way out of my league. I had always heard rumors and stories about him, but we never hung out long enough for me to even ask.

    Xavier looks at his Phillip Patek watch and said, “Yes, as a matter of fact, he’s late right now.”

    “You didn’t tell me he’d be joining our weekly lunch Xavier.”

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