Chapter 3: Sacred Territory

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I stood over the table, seeing Silvio with Xo, feeling a fiery rage, deep in my gut. I know it wasn't Xo's fault that she was with this douchebag, but this snake has stolen too many deals from my company AND Xavier's business as well. Ever the feisty firecracker, Xo replies to my question calmly, "Well, not that it's any of your business but my PERSONAL dating life has nothing to do with you nor Xavier's business ventures."

She puts a bite to the word on "personal" which let's me know she's still pretty pissed about what happened earlier this afternoon. I had promised myself that I wasn't going to touch Xiomara when she turned 21, so for a consolation prize, I got her something extremely extravagant for Christmas. I kept to that promise for the last two years, and not without struggle. However, when she put my hand under her dress, and I was met with bare skin, the rubber band snapped.

I knew there was no going back after the events that transpired between us this afternoon. I just knew I had to be careful because I didn't want whatever would happen between Xo & myself, to affect the brotherly bond I had with Xavier. I knew what perilous waters I was navigating.

Here we were, staring each other down, a battle of the wills. I don't know what was more disturbing for me, the fact that I'm imposing on their dinner date, fuming with jealousy, or the fact that I even could get jealous. That's not my style; I always say live and let live. I completely forgot about my own two companions, until one came up behind me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Listen ladies, why don't you go seat yourselves. I'll be there in a moment." I said without taking my eyes off of Xiomara.

I look down and see her wearing the diamonds I got her on a date with another man, particularly THIS man, had me breathing fire.

"Xo, a word?" I asked with clenched teeth.

"Can't you see we're clearly having dinner?" The accented voice across Xo, says.

Xiomara must've seen the look on my face because she wraps her dainty fingers around the top of my hand, and says taking her eyes off of me finally to look at her date, "I apologize Silvio, do you mind if I step away for just a moment?"

With that question, she seems to soothe my murderous rage but only by a little bit. She scooches her chair back, and puts her cloth napkin on the table. She makes her way over to the bar, and all I see is a perky, rotund ass. She turns around with a murderous look of her own, "Jace, what the fuck do you want?"

I try to disarm her with my charming smile, and reply, "Maybe I'm ready to cash in that favor."

"Be for real! I'm here on a date with ANOTHER man! You're fucking with --" She says, but stops herself, "You know what? Forget it. Can we talk about this some other time?"

"I'm fucking with what Xo?"

"Nothing, just leave it. Can we talk about this tomorrow perhaps? When I'm NOT on a date with another man?"

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