Chapter 5: Sexual Haze

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I felt like I needed this date tonight more than I needed my next breath. I hadn't even tasted Xiomara, and I became addicted to her like a drug; now, that I had her taste on my tongue, there was no going back. I knew I needed more, but the timing was essential. So, this date I had arranged was a piss poor excuse of a replacement. I already had in mind all of the perverted and deviant things I wanted to do my date. I knew Arienne wouldn't disappoint, she never has.

I went to answer the door when I heard the knock the first time, but whoever she was, seemed very eager to get the night started when she knocked a second time.

"Hang on! I'm coming!"

I unlock the door, and the first thing I see are a pair of beautiful manicured feet. I slowly drag my eyes up to the hem of her dress, and her ass is the first thing that registers in my mind. The fact that I can see it from the front said more than enough for me. Then I move my sight from her ass to the front of her dress, leaving little to the imagination. Not even caring what her face looked like, because just from the look of her body, she had me completely sold.

I only wished that I hadn't bothered to look up to her face because the first emotion I'm feeling when I see it's Xiomara, is shock. Which turns into horror knowing that she's my "date" for the night, only my body didn't get the memo because the only thing it's feeling, is aroused. When my motor functions finally return, and I'm able to unstick my tongue from the roof of my mouth, "XIOMARA!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK?"

"Hello, Mr. Young, you called for a date tonight?" She asks so calmly, as if this was normal.

I snatch her inside my suite quickly, completely pissed off.

"Seriously Xo, what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Gee, Mr. Young, I don't know, you're the one who called for a 'date'. Why don't you tell me what you have in mind for tonight?"

"Xiomara King, don't play with me; you mean to tell me you're a fucking escort!?!"

"Well aren't you smart?" She asks while rolling her eyes.

I take a deep breath because this isn't exactly how I planned for my night to go, but the opportunistic gears begin to turn in my mind. I had planned to seduce Xiomara when she came over to my place after Xavier left for his trip, but right place, right time.

"Okay, fine. STRIP."

"Wait, you're serious?"

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