the RFA+ saeran as voltron characters

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-he would be loverboy Lance 'cause one as well as the other flirts a LOT


-charismatic and funny

-in reality pretty lonely

- relatable, empathetic and real characters


-Lotor absolutely

-luxurious hair

-daddy issues

-passionate about what they do

-important role, like how Lotor was the galra prince and Jumin is the head of the company (or just rich lmao)


-Matt Holt aka The Ultimate Nerd

-glasses, red hair and bad jokes are my weakness

-they're interested in technology

-also sort of odd


-Pidge duh

-sassy and smart

-also they both wear glasses

-if you piss one of them off you're dead

-just iconic


-obviously Hunk

-they both share a passion for cooking

-total sweethearts

-very underrated characters, even in the fandom


-edgy bean Keith

-attractive tsunderes with parent problems


-anger management issues


-Shiro because they both are sort of the leader type

-also mysterious as fuck

-like they just both kinda disappear at some point

-very serious boys

-jk they're super chill

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