yoosung x kuudere! reader

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[A/n] : so this is kind of from his pov and 3rd pov at the same time, so take that of what you will. enjoy!

He felt like shit. What kind of boyfriend was he if he couldn't even make her smile? His girlfriend was in university with him, yet she was so much more mature than he could even aspire to be.

"Yoosung, are you alright?". Even that question was considerate and proved the point further.

"I'm fine, no need to worry." he smiled without genuiness. Lying to his partner was very unusual for him, but given the circumstances, he couldn't bring himself to talk about it with her.

"You sure? It doesn't sound like it."

"Hey, let's ride the roller-coaster, I heard that it's pretty scary." he told her in a monotone voice.

Y/n nodded and began walking after Yoosung to catch him up. They sat down and the young boy asked her something so quietly, to the point where she barely understood what he said.

"Can you repeat that?" she requested in a flat tone.

"I-I know that it's not manly or whatever but... p-please hold my hand!" Yoosung flusturedly cried. Y/n grinned happily and took Yoosung's hands in hers. His hands were clammy, yet they still had the usual softness. A chill ran down his spine at the sudden contact. His desire to touch and to feel her in all sort of ways felt inhuman.

"Why are you sweating Yoosung? Are you nervous?"

"N-No... Maybe a b-bit..." the poor boy stuttered out. Y/n kissed his cheek and leaned back.

"The ride is starting. We better settle down."

Although Yoosung was occasionally insecure about how charming or handsome he was, his lover was and would be always there for him, and that made Yoosung the happiest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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