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The more that I think about it, the more it makes me angry. Just the thought of a no-life stealing my part was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. Who did he think he was? Tempering me to an act-off. As stupid as it seems, acting means a lot to me. It let's me be someone else, someone who I wasn't cursed to be.

Someone who I am the only one who has the power to make up a story. I can be anyone I want, and make them a background. horrible person, horrible past. Good person, horrible past. Whether they had dreams, and hopes that they never were able to grasp onto. The power was up to me, and I was able to play that out for people. And they enjoyed it.

"Your not really going to go with it, are you?" asked Zayn, placing his lunch on the table. I chewed on my thumb, debating which play to do. Even if I could hear him talking to me, my mind was fixed on winning Harry. Making him look like shit, like an embarrassment to this school.

Like he didn't belong here, because he doesn't. He has the looks, but this school has proved that it takes more than some stupid good looking face to stare at.

"Don't talk to him, Zayn. His mind is on acting, and beating the shit out of that Styles kid. Beat him up without even putting a single finger on him." said Stan, laughing loudly. I rolled my eyes, and looked up at Zayn.

"Of course I'm going to go for it, I'm not a fake actor. I was challenged, and I gratefully accept it." I said, taking a bite of my burger. I could taste the hint of the pickle, and spit out the bite I just took.

"is it sour like your acting, Tommo?" said someone. I looked up to see ginger hair, and green eyes. I frowned, and scoffed.

"No, it tasted like something unwanted in my sandwich, kinda like you in this school, Sheeran." I said, frowning. He smiled, and patted Harry's back.

"You're going to win this shit, Harry. See the thing about Lewis there? He sucks at come-backs." whispered Ed, but he knew we'd hear him. I scoffed, and looked away from them.

"Hi Louis." said Harry, like a love-sick puppy. I frowned, and looked at the spat-pickle. I smirked to myself, and waited till they left. once they turned their backs, I grabbed the pickle and threw it at harry's back.

"Louis!" whispered Zayn, shaking his head. Harry stopped, and picked at it. It left a nasty stain on his shirt, making Harry bite his lip.

"Real mature, Tomlinson. Why don't you just throw your whole lunch at us, while your at it." screamed Ed, taking the pickle, and throwing it away.

"Hey, anything would make that shirt better. We're you get that shirt at, Styles? Shopping-with-gram-4-less?" I said, smirking. harry scoffed, and turned around. I smiled in victory, because finally, I left Harry without words.


"Zayn!" I called out, barely running after him now. This was ridiculous, I wasn't going to run after him like a punk-ass bitch. He finally stopped, and turned around.

I sighed, and shrugged. "They taunted me, Zayn. What the hell do you want me to do?"

"To stop? To let it go? You don't think I wanted to stand up for you? You gave the struggling druggie some drugs. They baited you, and you fell for it!" He said, his black-rimmed glasses falling down his nose.

"So what? You want me to let myself get beaten up with those horrible jokes? I was raised to stand up for myself, Zayn!" I screamed back, shaking my head. He scoffed too

Zayn shook his head, and took a deep breathe. "Whatever, Louis. You are so wrapped up on winning that role of Romeo, but you don't look around yourself and realize that you're the punk-ass bitch."

With that, he grabbed his backpack from the ground, and left. I swallowed the lump in my throat, and watched as he left. I shook my head, and felt my hands start to tremble.

I looked around the hallway, and quickly ran to the nearest empty classroom. I ran, and joggled the knob. when it finally opened, I felt my chest start to tighten at the same time.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself, my breathe hitching with every breathe.

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