Semestrial Break

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Jisoo's POV

Mr. Kim : Okay this is the time you have been waiting for. It is now your semestrial Break.

Finally it is semestrial break. This is the time that all students have been waiting for. It is just 2 weeks but still I hope that it will be worth it. The school is having a medical check up at the Guk Il Medical Center in Seoul. After school, Jennie and Rose separated ways with us to the dorm. Rose texted me.
Rose said Unnie, where are you? We are now at the dorm. Can you bring us food 😊😊? " I can hear her voice while reading her message." Okay fine, I'll bring some Dumplings and Kimchi for our dinner. I think there are rice on the way so would you mind to let me buy them as well? " I replied." Okay unnie, thanks... XOXO❤️❤️" she said.

Third Person's POV
They met on their dorm and ate happily. A visitor came and knocks on the door.

*Knock Knock*

Jennie : Who's there?

Person : Guess who it is!

Lisa : Are you Yeri sunbaenim?

Irene : Correct.

Lisa excitingly opened the door and saw Red Velvet.

Red velvet joined Blackpink on having their dinner and they had a sleepover.

On the other hand EXO is sleeping until Kyungsoo wakes up.

Kyungsoo's POV
What the. Who is that person who called me in the middle of the night? Who is this random caller?

Caller : Hello, is this Kyungsoo?

Who is this person? Her voice sounds familiar.

Caller : I want to meet you at the Gangnam Cafe tomorrow after the medical examination.

I replied "Okay."

So now after that call, I thought it was Nayeon and I can't sleep right now. I do not know why! I looked on each rooms of my mates but everyone was asleep except for someone that is a fool that thinks he can fool me that he is now asleep.

Me : Hey you! Do you think you can fool me?

Chanyeol : What is your problem in the middle of the night?!?!?

Me : So you think you can fool me?!?!?

Chanyeol : What are you talking about?

Me : Look at your phone and laptop. I think you forgot that your gadgets are on. And you are also online on instagram.

Chanyeol : Aishhhh! By the way, what do you need?

Me : Can I sleep with you?

Chanyeol : Nah, go to Minseok-hyung or to Sehun.

Me : Pleaseee?!?!?!

Chanyeol : Aishhhh. Nevermind. Lie here next to me.

Me : Thanks!!

After 8 hours of sleep.

Minseok : Get up guys. Its our Medical Examination day!

Chen : I hope that we would get good grades despite on our healthy lifestyle.

What?!?!? Its today that the random caller will meet up with me! I'm so nervous.

Lisa's POV

We are now heading to the Guk-Il Medical Center with my unnies. Red Velvet is also with us but in our van, it is Me, Jisoo-unnie, Seulgi sunbaenim and Joy Sunbaenim. On the other van is Jennie-unnie, Chaeyoung-unnie, Irene sunbaenim, Yeri Sunbaenim, and Wendy Sunbaenim. After 2hrs, we finally reached the Hospital. We saw BTS and EXO also just arrived. We are now separated into different sections and our sections are divided into pairs by our instructor.

Instructor : Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Mr. Kang, your School President, Mr. Lee told us to divide the sections into pairs so the process would be fast.

He is now starting to call pairs and suddenly I heard, "Kim Junmyeon and Kim Jisoo". I was really nervous because Sehun hasn't had a partner yet.

Instructor : "Lalisa Manoban and Oh Sehun"

What the... Is it real? Am I daydreaming?

Instructor : Your pairs would be your partners for the whole day and for your camping later.

For real!!!! We will sleep together?!?!?!?

Suho' s POV

Are these guys joking?!?! Me and Jisoo for a night together?!?!? I hope she would never notice about that.

After our medical examination, our section went to the bus heading to the Park. We had a bonfire and slept. While on our tent, I noticed that Jisoo is still awake. I said "Jisoo, why are you still awake, it is past 9 o'clock." She replied "I am waiting for someone else."
I replied "Who?" She replied "You." Why is she still waiting for me? Do I need to accompany her? "Why are you waiting for me" I replied while Laughing. "I want to tell you something." What is she trying to tell? My heart is beating fast. "What is that?" I said. "I really like you." she said. ARE YOU JOKING?!?!?! Kim Jisoo likes me?!?!? She immediately hugged me and I said "I also liked you." "So are we official now? " I said. "But I think we should keep it a secret." She seriously replied.

Jisoo's POV

I was shocked on what I did just said. After our conversation. He kissed me!! I was shookt on what he did just now. I can't imagine that he did that to me. After that night, Jennie, Chaeyoung and Lisa came to me while Suho is still asleep half naked.

Lisa : OMG unnie, what did you do both?

Me : What are you saying Lisa? We just slept peacefully.

Jennie : We are so worried about you Jisooya. I am calling you yesterday evening but you are out of reached.

Chaeyoung : Thank god that you are okay.

Me : What are you talking about. I am fine and no one will think dirty that we slept together and Suho is shirtless, WHAT HE IS SHIRTLESS!!!

Jennie : and is that clothes that you wear is yours? I've never seen that on your wardrobe.

Lisa : Okay, I now have a rumour.

Chaeyoung : Same...

They talked and Suho just have awoken up.

Suho : Good Morning Jisoo.

Jisoo : Go..... od Mor-ning Suho.

Jennie : Good Morning.

Suho : Why are you guys here so early in the morning.

Lisa : Morning?!?!? Its now 9 o'clock and we are leaving at 10:30.

Suho : I will now dress up and arrange things here.

The girls leave and Sehun came.

Sehun : Hyung, can I help you?

Me : Then I will now leave. My things are now arranged and BTW did you put your jacket on me?

Suho : Yes. You were shivering last night.

Me : Thanks for the care..

Third Person's POV

Jisoo now headed to the girls while Chen and Kai came to help Suho also.

Kai : Hyung are you okay?

Suho : Yes! Why?

Chen : Because your face is reddish.

Sehun : Is that because of Jisoo slept with you?

Chen : Awww. You both are sweet

Kai and Sehun Laughed.


I am reallly sorry that I just updated. I am busy because school started.


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