the lesson

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The sun was just rising as a 9 year old baldimore stood on the balcony excited "mr. Jack mr. Jack come on we gotta go wake up!" He heard an oof and looked down to see he had just kicked kennith " opps sorry...wait kennith don't you have a lesson with my mom?" Kenniths eyes widen he bolts up " mrs. Susan we gotta go too! Wake up!" Both boys begin to yell " susan come on mrs. susan! jack jack jack!" Susan doesn't open her eyes neither does jack but they do mumble to eachother " I think the boys are awake" mumbles susan "you think?" Mumbles jack both boys tired of yelling begin to tug on them but seeing as they were bigger than them they both flew In different directions baldimore the coloring books and crayons he heard a snap 'oh no' he looked ' oh its just the white crayon' he thought and went back to waking up jack kennith had crashed into the building block he growled ' had I known she was this difficult to wake up I would have kept her awake!' Thought kennith and ran to susan boy boy crashed into the adults hard both adults look at them tiredly both boys yell "you promised!" Both boys glare "okay okay were up were up" said jack and yawned widely both boys get hugs and kisses from the parents then go their seperate ways baldimore and jack stood on the balcony " look baldimore everything the light touches is our kingdom" "wow" " and a kings time as ruler rises and falls like the sun one day baldimore the sun will set on my time here and rise with you as the new king" "and this will all be mine?" "Everything" "everything the light touches what about that shadowy place?" Thats beyond our borders you must never go there baldimore" "but I thought a king can do whatever he wants" " oh well there's more to being king than getting your way all the time" " there's more" jack chuckles "baldimore"

To kennith and susan
"look kennith the king owns the kingdom but you lead the battlefield as a prince you must learn to always be stronger than the opponent and when ever the king calls for war you are to battle the second in command and you lead the rest of the soldiers never show weakness it is also your duty to exile people when the king holds judgment you decide if they are exiled that is your job kennith but when the king cannot rule it is your job to rule while he is away all of these people are at your command and will do anything for you" "wow thats a lot of responsibility but I can handle it!" "At-ta boy kennith" chuckles susan and ruffles his hair kennith giggles " now do want go have some cuddle time while the others are away?" "Yeah!" And they began to walk back to the kingdom

To baldimore and jack

"Everything you see exist together in a delicate balance as a king you need to under stand that balance and respect all the creatures from the pou
Tiny animals to the walking man" " but jack dont we eat some of the animals" "yes baldimore but let me explain when we die our bodies become the grass and all of the animals we eat feed on the grass and so we are all connected in the great circle of life" "good morning sire " jack turns to see gotta sweep " good morning gotta sweep" "checking in with the morning report" "fire away" gotta sweep began to sing " pimps are going to sing how their above it all." Baldimore and jack smiled in surprise and jack being the jokster he is began to plot ways to throw off his singing" Fortune tellers foretelling it is what I can't recall,Surfer dudes catching sweet waves off the banks,Thiefs showed interest in my housing but I quickly said no thanks, We haven't paid the water bills and the elders have a hunch and the people at the meeting will be coming back from lunch" gotta sweep chuckled 'what would throw him of a bug?,a rock?,' he looked over at baldimore watching a cat pounce on a grasshopper ' if I combine the two? Perfect!' Jack was startled out of his thoughts by the singing again " this is the morning report is the long and the short every grunt,roar and snort not a tale I distort on mooooorniiing report" jack took this opportunity to whisper to baldimore " hey baldimore want to help me with a prank" asked jack " yeah what's the plan?" "Oh the bullies have gotten on about the seasons hats-" the singing continues in the back ground as baldimore gets ready to pounce "okay like this" "no you have to stay low to the ground" as jack pushes gently on Baldimore's back " okay got it " "shush not a sound" baldimore began to soundlessly walk toward gotta sweep " take it slow one more step and-" "gotcha!" "Ah!" Baldimore pounced on gotta sweep baldimore began to sing " this is the morning report this is the morning report-" baldimore began running around him pokeing gotta sweep and he tried to get baldimore to stop but baldimore kept singing " every grunt, roar and snort not a tale I distort oooon the moooorrrnnnning report" at the end of the song he kicked gotta sweep in the shin " "ouch" jack thought he was gonna die of laughter " that was even better than what I planned I'm always taking you with me on a prank HAHAHA!" Gotta sweep looked at them sourly a man then walked up to him "gotta sweep! Thugs in end part of town" gotta sweeps eyes widened " sire! Thugs at the end of town" jack rushed into action " gotta sweep take baldimore home " " aw jack can I come?" Asked baldimore " no baldimore! "
"I never get to go any where!" "Oh young master one day you will be king and you can chase those idiot losers from dawn until dusk!".
Thx for reading I will writ again soon until then enjoy this new part and in this story I am making it to where only the kings and queens and outlanders and the king and queens guard's can roar also there children

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