thug part of town

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Kennith and baldimore running down an alleyway laughing " we did it!" Said baldimore proudly " we lost him!" Giggled kennith "I am a genius" said baldimore kennith gave him a look that said 'really...' " hey genius it was my idea!" Stated kennith "yeah but I pulled it off" said baldimore "with me!" Exclaimed kennith "oh yeah!" Baldimore jumped on kennith and the boys began to wrestle kennith pinned baldi "ha! Pinned ya" giggled kennith "let me up" pouted baldimore but jumped on kennith again and was pinned again "HA! pinned ya again." Both boys jumped to the sound of a cat knocking over a trash can then looked at the crumbled abandon looking town " this is it we made it" whispered baldimore  both boys looked at the dangerous town "woah" said the boys looking at eachother " it's really creepy" said kennith "I know isn't it great" giggled baldimore " we could get in big trouble" stated kennith smiling " I know" laughed baldimore " I wonder if the thugs are in here" said kennith looking at a building " there's only one way to know come on lets go check it out" said baldimore " wrong! the only checking out you will be doing is checking out of here!" Said gotta sweep " aw! Man!" Said baldimore as kennith rolls his eyes at gotta sweep " we are way beyond the boundaries of our land!" Stated gotta sweep " oh look baldi gotta sweep is scared" laughed kennith gotta sweep poked kenniths nose " it's mr gotta sweep to you buddy" stated gotta sweep kennith gave him a bored look " and right now we are In very real danger" "danger ha I walk on the wild side I laugh In The face of danger HAHAHA!" Laughed Baldimore loudly but gasped as he heard a laugh from behind both boys ran behind gotta sweep "well looks like we have a trio of trespassers" said a mean looking girl (btw the thugs are also cannibals) "and just an accident let me assure you a simple error" as gotta sweep and the boys tried to leave " wait you work for the king and that makes the bald one" "the future king " stated baldimore " do you know what we do to kings and his friends when they step out of their kingdom " stated a male " you won't hurt me!" Stated baldimore " no they can we are on their land" said gotta sweep " but gotta you said their nothing but stupid people" said baldimore " not while we are in stupid land" whispered gotta sweep "who you callen stupid!" Yelled the female " oh my its time to go!" "Whats the hurry we'd love to have you over for dinner " said the female " yeah we could just eat whoever is kidding around" the thugs laughed " I got one! I got one! Make mine a kids meal whatcha think" the thugs burst out laughing (I have decided to keep the hyena names for the thugs) "hey did we order this dinner to go?" Asked banzai "no why?" Asked shanzi " cuz THERE IT GOES!!" Yells banzai as the boys and gotta sweep flee gotta sweep is grabbed "did we lose them?" Asked kennith " I think so where's gotta sweep?" Asked baldimore " the big bullet walked all the way to the big gun " "no not the big gun AAAHH!" Yelled gotta sweep as he was launched from the cannon the thugs laugh "hey why dont you pick on someone whose actually as strong as you " said baldimore with a brave looking kennith " like you two!" "Opps" said baldimore both boys screamed and ran but only to find the thugs they were running from" "BOO!" yelled the thugs kennith and baldmore screamed as they laughed the boys took off in another direction they began jumping from window sill to window sill to get on the roof of a building "BALDI!" Yelled kennith baldi gasped kenniths window sill was slightly broken and he was slipping toward the hungry thugs "AAAHHH!" Yelled kennith baldi broke the window grabbed some glass and diced the thug who was about to grab kennith both boys made it to the top and took a pipe down to a new alleyway that was a dead end both boy tried climbing from the window sills again but they broke and they both fell the boys gasped as the thugs came towards them " here kiddys kiddys " said banzai baldi looked back at the scared kennith then the thugs and did his best roar which was a squeak " ha! That was it hahaha! Do it again come on" said shanzi baldi did it again and they were greeted with a deep roar "huh?" Jack and susan then leaped from one of the building and attacked the thugs to defend the boys the boys watched in shock as the adults fought the thugs were pinned by two angry parents " okay okay please uncle auntie " cried the thugs "SILENCE!!" Roared jack while susan gave a deadly growl " yeah were gonna shut up right now" said banzai "calm down were really sorry" said shanzi " if you ever come near those boys again!" Growled susan "oh those are your kids we didn't know that" said the smart thugs but the dumb one shook his head yes they knew susan and jack roar "bye - bye!" Said the thugs as they ran for their lives gotta sweep nodded his approval jack and susan glared at him baldi ran up to jack "jack I -" you deliberately disobeyed me" said a very disappointed jack " kennith you knew the second he told you that was a bad place!" Said a very very beyond words disappointed susan " miss susan I - I'm sorry..." "lets go home!" Said the angry adults at the same time the boys walked with them mumbling to eachother how brave they thought eachother were to cheer eachother up what they didn't know was ganar was watching the whole time

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