Smooth wind love to tornado

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Life can surprise you with many unsuspected things and people; whenever it brings you down, just rise like the morning sun after an eclipse and have faith because whenever you're down, that's the moment where God comes in.

Once upon a time,

there was a Tanzanian girl named Isabelle, beautiful like roses with soft gold skin and curvy shape followed with a genius and sharp brain mixed with creativity skills which made her finishes her education earlier at the age of 22 in Business and started to work earlier at a beauty product company in Kenya.
She was very kind but known by few and when you do, you fall in love with her in a second just like bees seeing a flowers; as we all know that's where the devil always wants to be. By bad luck she attracted a man who changed everything in her life, evil in a form of love.

One day when she was returning home, a car stopped in front of her, whereby the owner was Leyian Alvin, a man with fake identities by wearing sheep clothes to cover his goat body just like the devil himself considered as the brother of the devil with an attitude like Lucifer himself wanting to own everything; who asked Isabelle for direction, sadly she didn't know the location, attracted was she, Leyian who was fake like artificial light asked for her number and she gave,

she taught Leyian would call her directly but he called her after two days after trying to figure out about Isabelle because you have to know your prey first before catching it.

first, she tried her best to avoid Leyian as other normal girls do but as time goes the guy insists, deep inside her she started to like the guy.

time passes, they become like love bird, Leyian would come to pick Isabelle in front of her house to go have fun, enjoy nature, eat nyamachoma together on the same plate, introduce her to all his friend and some family members; things felt like Cinderella story ending marrying a prince charming but in reality, it was more like Cinderella with the fake charming devil prince

With beauty like roses, Isabelle was full of life and wanted to have more fun, another guy named Blaguiti who was a brilliant man with a good and kind character like a child who is discovering what is good and bad, called her and she went there without telling the truth to his boyfriend leyian, unwise was she?

She didn't know everything about leyian, who was a devil worshiper, who feeds the devil by sacrificing innocent souls; saw everything that Isabelle did with Blaguiti but she was clever they did nothing only went to movie night.

Isabelle recognizes her fault and came directly to ask for forgiveness from learning, who was like a goat wearing sheep clothe but deep down he is a dark evil, acted as if he has forgiven Isabelle. Like a good girl who recognized her mistake, she did all the chores at Leyian's house, to a point of even babysitting layman's niece; after 7 hours, leyian brought his friend called Esther a girl who is like the devil's servant, not loyal like African's democracy, will always disappoint you at the end and always a backstabber.

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