Dead but not gone

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Nine month later the day of delivery arrived, the baby refused to come out in a normal way until she had to be operated. At the operation room, after some hours she saw her beautiful handsome boy named Angel where by it was the happiest moment of her life, knowing that she was able to give life, after seeing Blessing, both of them start to fade away like the eclipse. Isabelle and Angel passed away.

The doctors did not cut courage of doing CPR on Isabelle and Angel for two hours because she was the niece of the CEO of the hospital, miraculously! Isabelle and Angel woke up; Isabelle recovers well but for Angel did not work well.

the next day Angel was put into oxygen box, tried to recover and opened his eyes for the first time and saw the world; Angel just as his name, with one look, you fall in love with him, a beautiful creature never to be seen in Isabelle's family, light skin boy with a curly hair heritage from Isabelle's mother called Chantal and a pink small lips got from Isabelle's father David .

Sadly, around 10 pm, Angel becomes worst, breathing started to be hard for him, without knowing it was a spiritual battle for Isabelle and Angel; Isabelle's family did their best to keep them alive, Chantal starts praying after hearing a dog sound in front of their hospital room door; woke up and told Isabelle to pray because things are not good, after praying the dog talked and insulted them.

On the other side, Angel's oxygen box stopped working and weirdly the electricity went off, courageous were the doctor's, they took Angel, run away with him to the nearest hospital and putted him in another oxygen box, painfully at mid-night Angel died.

That was the most tragic thing to happen in Isabelle's life. As a strong Christian Chantal was, she called the pastor to come to pray for Isabelle because she stopped eating only letting tears running like the Indian Ocean. family tried to console her but it was not working until the pastor came; the moment he saw her, started to preach and at the same moment he saw Angel's soul being put on the devil's table being surrounded with demons and Leyian himself and told Isabelle "stop crying, your making even more worst for Angel to rest in peace, the more your crying, your letting them to win over him and his guardian Angel will not be able to rescue him, stop craying and start praying", Chantal fasted for her dead grandson's soul to rest in peace because Isabelle could not be able to do it because of medication being taken. As the merciful Christian God is, he heard her prayers and did not let leyian to take angel's soul, after three days Isabelle had a dream about Angel coming back to her with no scares and smiling at her meaning he is now at the right and good place.

After Isabelle accepting that her son died, now the battle returned between her and Leyian whereby she started to see her own grave approaching her, seeing all type spirits with dirty body, some with heads floating around her, people with long nose or only bodies without heads surrounding the hospitalOn , As a daughter of God, leyian tried every dark way to kill her by bewitching, throwing fleshes at her and changing into many different demoniac form. But when God says no, nothing will happen no matter how hard you try it and light will always conquer the darkness.

Isabelle's faith roses like a tall Sudanese man and survived the battle and never returned anything bad at her betrayers but only prays for them which makes the lord to punishes them.

Leyian had a huge price to pay to the devil that ruined his life by making him to not enjoy life, especially in the case of having children, the day that he will want to have kids, all those kids will follow Angel into the grave and if one of them survive, it will be leyian's doom. As for his sister as well. And Lorrain who dated Leyian after Angel death was punished to never find a true love until the day all of them will confess. Remember the punishment of the lord is more painful than wounds gotten from an accident. Love killed Isabelle's heart but did her best to not let the event that happened to her to make the end of her life but rose and shinned like never before even though there is a hole in her heart.

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