Chapter eight- the note and threats

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Ari's POV-

After Miguel and I had left our spot we headed to my house. He insisted on me not being alone and honestly I was glad but I needed some time to think so I told him to stop by later. I invited over three of my other close friends so we could all talk and hangout. Aisha, Eli, Demetri, and Miguel were all coming to my house. My dad was on ANOTHER business trip so I pretty much lived alone.

I was plopped down on my living room sofa that was extremely comfortable. The cushions surrounded my body and a fuzzy blanket was on top of me. This was utter comfort, if it wasn't for my friends coming by later I would have dozed off to sleep but i had plans that couldn't be ignored.

I snuggled deeper into my pillows, taking in a deep shaky breath before stretching to grab my phone off the coffee table. Almost falling over I re-position my self sitting up and glanced at the time. My friends would arrive in half an hour.

Stumbling to the kitchen I dragged out a few snacks, like popcorn and some candy/baked goods. We were most likely to watch a movie and what is a movie without snacks? After placing the food carefully in an arranged pattern with some movie CDs on the coffee table I heard a knock at the door. Glancing at the clock it was to early for any of my friends to stop by so who was it. Panic flooded me. I could feel myself sweating and I didn't know if I should answer it. Looking at the peep hole in the door I see a glismpe of someone I don't recognize, her back is facing the door and after I calmed down I decided to answer.

I Place my hand on the cold metal door knob Then twist it and pull my self back opening the door. The girls standing there has a nervous expression on her face when she turns around and it messing with the rings on her fingers. Surprised I see Yasmine. By far one of the meanest girls in school and part of the small crowd that cheered for Sam when she yelled at me. She looked relived to see me. I give her an awkward smile before she starts to make conversation.

" Ari it's good to see you. " she exclaimed. No emotion in her voice. No kindness or any hint of mean. Confused I look behind her to see a car. Not just any car but sams car. I don't see Sam in the car but before I could look more Yasmine blocked my view by stepping to the side. She hands me a peice of paper before walking off in another direction without any further words. Why would she talk to me? Why did she give me this note? It was all so random. I am shocked out of my thoughts to have spotted Sam. She was standing at a doorway talking to someone, Yasmine approaching her. Not just any door, apartment a1, Miguel's apartment. I sigh and take a shaky step back. Still holding the folded note in my hands. I didn't see anyone at the door so maybe Miguel didn't answer, maybe it was his mom. I close my apartment door before turning and leaning against it. Sliding down to the floor. I don't want to go through this again. Pulling my knees up to my chest I grab the note, unfolding it carefully and slowly. It read-

I know things about you I don't think you want to get out. Leave Miguel alone and they won't. Stay away from him and I stay away from you or you'll regret it. You've been warned, Miguel is mine!


I read the note over and over again wishing the words would change. This time instead of sadness I feel anger and fear. Sam did it. She officially threatend me to stay away from my best friend and crush. Sam was always one to get what we wanted, even if it was a car or now a person. My head playing the words and scenario over again. Trying to comprehend my thoughts I just can't. My mind is blank. I am sitting on the ground of the entrance to my apartment and I can't seem to put my words and emotions together. Do I listen to the threats? Or do I ignore them and keep being with someone that makes me happy?

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