Autumn (Geddit, because it's before the Winter's Ball?) \\ Cat

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"What's gotten into Alex?" Herc enquired, watching Alexander Hamilton marching up and down with his head held high and a triumphant smirk on his face.

Lafayette shrugged, and continued polishing his gun.

"My guess is that he's a bit... how you say... over the moon now that he's Washington's right hand man."

I shook my head with a knowing smirk.

"I don't think that was it," I joined in, "although that might've played a part. Personally, I think it's that Washington said that he was just like Alex when he was younger."

Lafayette and Herc exchanged a mock-horrified look.

"We're doomed," Laurens said solemnly, "Laf, tell the Schuyler Sisters I said goodbye."

"You're all a bunch of idiots, did you know that?" Alexander broke in, "am I not allowed to be happy anymore these days?"

"Everyone knows you're unbearable when you're happy, Alex," Laurens stated, "it's a fact of life."

"Kind of like Tony," Natasha added.

"Owww, burnnnn," Clint grinned at the indignant look on Tony's face, which matched the expression displayed on Alexander's face rather well.

"And these are the people I call my friends," Tony muttered.

"No, these are the people that call themselves your friends," I pointed out, "there's a difference."

"Aw come on Stark, you know you love us," Clint teased.

"Hah, and you thought we were annoying," Herc exclaimed with a grin, addressing Alex.

"You're all annoying," Alexander replied with a roll of his eyes.

"You know what they say," Natasha shrugged, "birds of a feather flock together."

"Birds do what?" Lafayette frowned, clearly unfamiliar with the idiom.

"It means... you know what, never mind."

At that moment Steve walked into the big tent where we were gathered, a concerned look on his face.

"Have any of you seen Jacob?" he enquired, "I haven't seen him all morning."

"Um..." I frowned, trying to remember whether I'd seen our fellow dimension-jumper around.

"There's a good chance he's writing a letter," Herc answered helpfully, "I believe he received a letter a few days back, and was too busy to get around to answering earlier. Probably his aunt or something."

"...and with how busy we've been organizing the cannons, he wouldn't really have had the time for that since the Asia,"  Steve finished with a nod of understanding, "thank you, Hercules, I'll go check if he's in his tent then."

"If you were looking for him, why didn't you check his tent to begin with?" Bruce asked with a frown.

Steve blinked.

"That's irrelevant," he muttered under his breath, before turning around and walking out of the large tent.

Bruce shook his head, but made no further comment on the matter.

"So, what comes next?" I asked to nobody in particular.

"Next, we win the war," Laurens answered with conviction.

Music started up in the background, and for the first time, it didn't feel strange. Lyrics popped into my mind, and I jumped, and found myself standing firmly on a chair. It was super weird, but it felt normal.

"Win the war?" I asked, in time with the music, somehow.

"Win the war!" Laurens repeated, and the others cheered us on.

"How will you do that?" Clint wondered to the music.

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