Ladies And Gentlemen // Coulson

203 11 9

"Wha-... where..." Darcy muttered, holding her head as she stood up, her legs almost buckling under her. She looked dizzy -- almost as though she'd been tranquilized -- which had to be the effects of the light beam. I could still feel it myself; a nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach, which was doubled by the feeling of dread building up inside me.

I wasn't quite sure why she was there, but I did know that she liked to snoop, and there were more important things to worry about right now. Like the fact that I had no idea where we were.

Orange spots danced at the edges of my vision, and I closed my eyes for a few seconds, hoping it would help. It didn't.

We'd been pulled into a different dimension.

"Just great," I heard Alex grumble, "absolutely perfect. There goes my plan."

Taking the opportunity, I turned to face him, grimacing as the rotation tried to empty my stomach. After a moment, I pursued my thoughts further, but out loud. "What plan did you have, Agent? And anything that might help us orient ourselves would be a great addition."

"My plan was not to get dragged into any drama," Alex answered with enough sarcasm to rival Tony Stark in a disaster scenario, "but that just went down the drain, didn't it?"

I rolled my eyes. "Really?"

"Sorry," Alex grumbled under his breath, "I just... got a little bit frustrated. Where are we, anyway?"

"In a passage," Darcy answered, having found her feet (although she was still using the wall to support herself).

"No kidding taserbrains," Alex answered with a roll of his eyes, "I meant more specifically. Like what dimension or country or time or whatever."

There was a silence, in which muffled shouts could be heard from one end of the passage, gradually rising in volume and intensity until they were interrupted by a loud "EXCUSE ME!".

"What on earth is going on in there?" Alex enquired.

"I have a feeling we're about to find out," I replied as Darcy walked towards the noise.

"Darcy, don't!" Alex exclaimed running after her in an attempt to stop her before she entered the room.

Too late.

Luckily, she was pushed back out by an angry man leaving the room before she could cause a disturbance.

"We need to be careful," I warned them as I watched the man from the corner of my eye. His garb looked almost colonial. That, I thought, would not be good as far as blending in and trying to figure out the situation goes. "We don't know where or when we are in the universe, or even if we're in the same one. I'm going to go scout out what's going on in that room. I need you two to stay here, and stay quiet."

"You're going to keep me away from the fun?" Darcy protested.

"Obviously," Alex answered with a roll of his eyes, "although why he's not taking me with him is beyond me."

"You're both staying here," I repeated, "and try not to be noticed."

With that I left them bickering, hoping they'd keep each other quiet rather than starting a fight.

I carefully opened the door. As I entered the room, two more agitated men passed me. They didn't comment, or even look up, so I took that as a sign that it was safe to continue. I looked around carefully. There was a man standing at a podium, calming the small crowd of people in the room.

"President Washington--" one started, and suddenly everything clicked.

The clothes, the architecture--we'd jumped to early America. Post revolution, judging by the title of President, but--

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