Chapter 11 : I Am So Sorry

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Chapter 11 : I Am So Sorry

After nearly a half an hour of apologizing, and begging Mr. Anderson was finally convinced emilia was actually sorry. She wasn't going to murder abigail, and she wasn't a danger to herself or anyone he finally let her go.

While emilia was walking out of school abigail run after her. Emilia said, "what are you doing here?"

Abigail stopped right next to her to catch her breath. "i wanted to talk to you alone," she explained and the two started walking.

The sun was setting and the air was cold. For once emilia didn't find the cold enjoyable and she shivered. "I'm sorry i did that, said emilia, who was completely ashamed of what she did.

" Its ok," said abigail surprising calmly for a girl who was almost stabbed a little while ago.

Emilia was surprised by that statement. "No its not i almost killed you," said emilia rightfully pointing that fact out.

Abigail giggled, "Oh emilia,"  she said the title. Roll credits that's a wrap. Abigail giggled again and nodded to herself "silly girl i knew you wouldn't," she said confidently.

"Really?" emilia asked in astonishment.

Abigail giggled. "No i was lying i thought i finally pushed you too far and that was the end," she said finally telling the truth.

"But i can't forgive myself for what I've done," emilia said looking away from abigail and at the ground.

Abigail giggled and said, "You haven't done anything though." Abigail paused for a moment before saying, "i tell you what I'll find something for you to do to make me forgive you!"

Emilia giggled, "oh and what might that be." she was clearly interested in it since abigail was giggling so. Much.

With a wave of her hand abigail said, "oh don't worry about it. I'll have to get everything set up anyway." emilia had no clue what abigail meant by that she wasn't sure if she liked it.

Finally she spoke up, "uh what would that be?" abigail snickered devilishly to herself, which made everything even more suspicious.

Once abigail obviously planning something she said, "oh it's a surprise. I can't tell you."

The two girls reached emilia's house. Abigail said, "well i guess this is goodbye." she turned and walked away.

Emilia turned into her house and was once again alone. Emilia wandered around the house and eventually found a picture of her father. She looked at it for a while. "so much of this happened because of you," she said out loud to herself. "i should hate you, but i don't," she said again studying the picture.

Maybe everything she's been through had skewed her perception, or maybe now that her memory is clear and she could remember all of the times he was there for her, either way she felt odd. She got up and walk to the phone and dialed in a number. It rung for a few seconds then went to an answering machine. It said, "hey this is walter sue. I'm not at the phone right now please -" she hung up. "of course," she said.

The next day emilia woke up, showered, got dressed, and braided her hair, then left the house. All of that without a single erotic thing happening. There was no masturbating, no sexual thought, and absolutely no desire. The air was cold and the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon, but she didn't want to get get naked and enjoy the coldness against her body, and still no desire.

Emilia felt odd walking to school. She was use to having so many sexual thoughts run through her mind that not having any was bizarre. "desire are you there?" she asked herself. There was no response.

OH EMILIA: a brief erotic misadventure Where stories live. Discover now