Chapter 4

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A quarter moon shone in the starry night sky. Starpaw padded through the grass alongside Silverberry, looking up at the moon with a rush of happiness. This is my favorite night of every moon. It's so peaceful and comforting to speak with StarClan.

She'd been to three meetings since she'd become a medicine cat apprentice. This would be her fourth. Each time, she was greeted in StarClan by Dreamwhisper, Weaselnose, and Hivepelt, as well as many others she'd met since. At her second meeting, she met Windwhisker and Fallenhope, both warriors who had died during the battle with Bone Shred's rogues. Last quarter moon, she had met Monarchwing's mother, Dappledawn, who was very kind. Starpaw found it incredible that despite having never known some of these cats in the living world, they had become dear friends to her in the realm of StarClan.

Starpaw enjoyed seeing the other medicine cats as well. Silverberry had been right. Before long, she considered them her friends. Otterpelt was caring and wise. Ryeheart was witty and quick to share his knowledge of herbs and give advice to the others. Spicewhisker was the youngest medicine cat, but seemed no less experienced than the others. Hawkfeather was a bit stern at times, but very wise and often kind to his fellow medicine cats. Dewpaw was lucky to have him as a mentor.

She felt closest with Dewpaw. There was no question about it. He was very caring, intelligent, and fun to be around. Starpaw felt that it was their closeness in age and the fact that they were both apprentices that gave them a connection. 

As they crossed the thunderpath, Starpaw saw the medicine cats up ahead by mothermouth. She let out a friendly purr when they reached them. 

"Greetings." Hawkfeather dipped his head, and beside him, Dewpaw stepped forward to meet her. 

Starpaw touched noses with the apprentice. "It's good to see you again," She purred as she stepped back. "How are things in ShadowClan?"

"Much better than they were a few moons ago," Dewpaw told her, looking relieved at this. "Sunflower's kits have started their training."

"Speaking of kits, Willowtail is expecting," Silverberry overheard her and meowed to Otterpelt and Spicewhisker.

The RiverClan she-cat purred. "Icetail is the father, isn't he? I always see them together at gatherings."

Silverberry nodded with a purr and sat down, curling her tail over her paws. "What's keeping Ryeheart?" 

"An emergency perhaps?" Hawkfeather frowned. "If he doesn't arrive soon, we'll just have to visit StarClan without him."

It grew quiet as they sat by the mouth of the cave, waiting in the darkness. Spicewhisker looked in the direction of SkyClan territory, while Hawkfeather's tail tip twitched impatiently. Starpaw sat near Dewpaw, who was shifting his paws in the grass restlessly. She raised her gaze to the sky where the stars of silverpelt glittered. We won't be long, StarClan. She silently promised.

At last, the SkyClan medicine cat appeared in the distance, padding quickly toward them, and the medicine cats perked up. Hawkfeather rose to his paws. "About time! What kept you?"

"Sorry," Ryeheart panted as he reached them, pausing to catch his breath. "One of the kits had a cough and he was keeping the whole nursery awake. I had to give him some coltsfoot before I left. I came as fast as I could."

"That's alright, Ryeheart," Otterpelt assured him, touching his shoulder with her tail. "Is the kit better?"

"Yes, he stopped coughing and fell asleep," Ryeheart replied with a sigh of relief. He looked toward the mouth of the tunnel, seeming to have recovered from his run. "Shall we go inside?"

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