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(little protip, for all on computers, there is an extension called "interactivefics" that will change things like "y/n" or "e/c" for you)

Y/n walked into the musty building darkened by the clouds covering the sky outside. It was old, run down, and smelled of sweet rot. Most likely the pizza. Let's be honest, pizza from these types of restaurants never was that good. She walked through the rows of tables covered with party hats and festive table cloths coated with a thin layer of grim. 

The stage stood to her back, she, not daring to turn around to look at the eyes of the lifeless animatronics. Once, many years ago, she was a screaming kid like the others, squealing in delight at the giant animals. Now, it was all so much clearer how uncanny they were. The large, metal creatures with teeth and eyes like humans, the jerky movements that were painful to watch. The way it seemed like they were always watching. 

A shiver ran down her back at the thought and she absent-mindedly ran a hand through her h/l h/c hair. She continued down the left hall, her left, passing by a putrid bathroom. She was glad she took the night shift and not the janitorial position here. 

At the end of the hallway sat a glowing room, the office. Large steel doors suspended from the ceiling. Odd, how a pizza place would use military-like doors instead of normal, cheaper ones. She could only imagine the force of the door coming down on her frame, instantly snapping her spine. 

She shook her head on the thought and walked into the illuminated office, freezing immediately why she walked in. A tall, pale man with unkempt black hair sat in the spinning chair, eyeing a portable tablet in his hand. Not looking up, he waved her in. 

"You're  two minutes late." He huffed as y/n stepped fully into the office. She muttered a half-hearted "sorry" and took a seat in the second chair. 

"So I assume you are Mike Schmidt? The guy I was told was mentoring me?" She spoke up after a minute of silence. He just nodded. After another minute though, he responded with words.

"Less mentoring and more just teaching you as quickly as possible so I can get the fuck out of here." He lowly replied. y/n just briskly nodded her head, even though he couldn't see her. 

"So, what do I do?" She slowly questioned, sensing this man was of little patience and her presence was just a nuisance.  

"Bring your chair over." He said and y/n wheeled the chair closer.

"See this?" He lifted the tablet. "This is connected to all the cameras in the building. Don't try to log off the security feed to play a game or something, it won't work and could get you killed." She blinked at the last part.

"You monitor the animatronics from it." He continued. 

"Not... for break-ins or anything?" She queried. 

"Break-ins are the least of your worries, doll." He scoffed. "See these fuckwads?" He pointed to the animatronics lying docile on the stage. "They want to stuff you into an animatronic suit."

y/n narrowed her eyes. Was... this a prank played on newbies? Was he just trying to make a fool of her? She nodded her head to show she had been listening.

"What, no tears? No 'why did I sign up for this job?'" He turned to face her. She shrugged.

"I have no way of telling if you are being truthful or not. This could all be a prank." She said. Mike gave a wry chuckle. 

"I believed that too, at first, but trust me." He said. y/n just shrugged again. Even if it were true, it wouldn't be too big of a deal. Creepy, sure, but life wasn't that important. I mean, she wasn't depressed or suicidal... she just didn't care too much. Not that she would let them kill her, no. If this was true, she definitely wouldn't go down without a fight. 

"The doors," Mike started again "Keep them out. But they use a lot of power. So does the lights, so does the tablet. Best to use them as little as possible." He proceeded to slam one open and shut, creating a deafening sound as it opened and closed. 

"So," he said again with a smirk. "Ready to start your first night?" 

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