Night 1

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"Why aren't..." Mike muttered under his breath, scanning the cameras. Y/n sat in the chair, bored. She knew she was going to get bored during this job, nothing was going to happen. No break-ins, no animatronics moving. Seems the prank didn't work.

"Goddammit, at least two of them are supposed to..." Mike muttered again. y/n rolled her eyes and stood up, walking towards the door. Mike shot up and grabbed her arm.

"What do you think you are doing??" He lowly hissed, towering over her. 

"Using the bathroom." She coldly responded. "It has been three hours. I know the bathroom is gross but I really need to go." That was partially a lie. It would be nice to relieve herself, but she didn't need to go that desperately. She mostly wanted to walk around. Mike tightened his grip then let go, slumping back into his chair, defeated. 

"Fine, whatever. Your funeral." He said sarcastically, going back to the tablet. 

Y/n walked out of the stuffy office from the right door, going back down the hall she came from originally. Soon, she could see the traditional black and white male and female bathroom signs. Slowly, she creaked the door the ladies room open. Inside was nicer than what she would expect the men's room to look like, as the men's room had a putrid stench emitting from it. It was relatively clean, but it wasn't a nice bathroom. There were two regular stalls and one wheelchair stall. A lonely, rusted sink was near the door, along with a foggy mirror. 

Going to the 2nd stall, she quickly did her business before exiting. As she went to wash her hands however, she froze for the second time this night. 

Right in the doorway to the ladies room, was the main mascot of the pizzeria. The large brown bear in a top hat and bowtie. He just... stood there. No movement, just staring. y/n still didn't move, waiting to see what he would do, or if this was Mike playing the prank he tried before. 

After a painfully long minute, the bear turned mechanically and walked back towards the stage. y/n quick washed up (cause fuck you its hygiene) and quietly made her way down the hall again. 

This time, the door was closed. The window to the office let out a small glow which illuminated the animatronic in front of it. y/n quickly backed up into the wall, hiding in the darkness. After a few seconds, the Chicken turned and robotically walked in her direction. She held her breath as the foul-smelling fabric covering the robot passed right by. Must not have seen her. Soon after the office door opened and she briskly made her way in.

"Now do you believe me?" Mike scoffed as she walked into the artificially lit room. y/n shrugged again.

"Still not convinced they're murderous." She stated. "I mean, Freddy cornered me in the bathroom. He could have killed me if he wanted to." She proceeded to sit down in her chair. 

"So you mean they actually saw you?" He asked in disbelief.

"That is what I said."

The rest of the night went by with no more appearances or movements from the animatronics. 6 am rolled by and signaled the end of the night. 

"Goddammit." Mike huffed. "Of course as soon as your gone they come for me." 

y/n just shot him a quizzical look that was not acknowledged. 

"You will need to come in early tonight." He stated. "Boss is too broke to hire a mechanic, so the night guard has to do both."

"I don't know much if anything about animatronics let alone mechanics though." Y/n said, worriedly.

"It is pretty simple, I'll walk you through it. But tonight your on your own for the night shift. I was supposed to quit a month ago." He said as he walked to his car, promptly getting in and driving off without time for a response. 

Yeah the chapters are somewhat shorter but they are better content and I can get them out faster.

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