Pre-Night 2

536 30 15

(Warning: Some spoilers on what you might see in the VR in the Parts and Service section of the game. Only minor details)

y/n walked past the droves of kids finishing up their pizza, parents hurriedly trying to get them to leave since it was late. The pizzeria was in the process of closing and a few workers were wiping down tables and sweeping the floors. 

The animatronics were behind the starry curtain concealing the cage, she assumed they were at least. She wondered what mechanics she would have to do. 

Mike was waiting by the stage with a slice of pizza that he was gnawing on. y/n approached him as he turned his head slightly to acknowledge her. 

"We have 30 minutes. Make yourself at home." He monotonously stated.  y/n remained next to him though, no real need to walk around. She knew the place well enough from her childhood. 

A prickling sensation ran down her spine as she waited though. Side glancing discretely at Mike, she could see he was still staring off into space with his pizza. But the feeling was the feeling of being watched, so who was it? Glancing around the room, none of the other workers were looking in her direction. In fact, the number of workers was slowly dwindling as they finished up their mediocre cleaning. Glancing around she did manage to catch a glint from pirate cove for just a second. Was someone inside? It had been broken down for years now...

"Come on, let's go check out the animatronics." Mike brought y/n out of her stupor. How long had she been staring at the cove? She shook it off and followed Mike behind the curtain. Behind the stage was divided into sections that were walled off, separated from each other. 

"Fuckin death machines get their own dressing rooms while we can barely get a paycheck." Mike grumbled, walking over to one of the doors. A starry worded "Bonnie" was written on it. 

"Well come on, we don't have all day." He said angrily as y/n came over. He opened the door for her and she walked in. The small room was completely dark. She was about to look behind her to Mike when he shut the door. 

"Mike! What the hell!" She yelled, pounding on the door. There was no handle on this side. 

"Yeah, I quit. There is no way I am going in there."His muffled voice came from the other side. 

"But I can't see anything! Where is the light?" She angrily questioned. 

"Just, feel around, " he said, "It should be somewhere on the wall..." y/n felt around the sides of the door before hearing the click and the lights flickered on. Turning around, she saw the giant purple mascot. Holy shit he was huge. The rabbit held his red guitar as he sat in the center of the room. Two odd containers were on either side of him. A small Bonnie plush sat atop a table next to the mascot. 

"What do I do?" y/n said with a raised voice so Mike could comprehend her. 

"Something about his guitar being out of tune," Mike called, "You can't just tune it like a regular guitar, you need to access a tuner inside his head." y/n stiffened as she thought of how she was going to reach it. Did she need to stick her hand in his mouth?

"Just, remove his eyes." Mike said. 

"What?!" She called back.

"You need to take off his faceplate, and the eyes need to be removed first." y/n didn't like this. Slowly, she approached her childhood memory. To reach the eyes, she would need to stand on tippy toes. A slow hand reached up to the first one to remove it before Mike spoke up again.

"Wait! You haven't done anything yet, have you?" He asked.

"No?" She responded, confused.

"I forgot. There is a specific catch, you need to remove the eyes in a certain order, but I forgot what. Maybe it's his left eye first? Or the right? Oh, and they need to go in the opposite cleaning bins from their position. Left in right and right in left. " 

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