Pre Night 2 (2)

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"Freddy is up next," Mike said sourly. Both workers approached the remaining door with bold, fancy, lettering in black saying "Freddy". y/n mentally prepared herself for what lay behind the door. She took note that Mike rushed her in and shut the door swifter than he did with the others.

Freddy was looming in the center of the room, nothing visibly wrong with him. The young female slowly approached the hulking hunk of metal with great diligence and caution. Upon closer inspection, she noticed a child's cap sticking from the brown mouth. 

"Instructions?" She called out to her mentor. 

"You need to see if there are any... lost items inside it. Also, it needs a new voice box." He responded. "Put anything you find in the trash." 

"The trash?" She asked.

"It is technically called the 'lost and found', but we always just throw them away." 

What a crappy business.

y/n grabbed ahold of the cap in the mascot's mouth gently and pulled.

"I-It is stuck!" She called back. 

"Just yank it!" He grumbled, annoyed. y/n grabbed the small hat tighter and gave a sharp tug, freeing the hat from Freddy's jaw. She then put it in the blue tra-"lost and found" bin. 

"Now what?" 

"You will need to access the chest cavity. Pull the bowtie." Mike responded.

Grabbing the sides of the bowtie, she pulled in opposite directions. The chest plate flung open and whacked her in the ribs. Yup, that was going to leave a bruise. She let out an exclamation of shock and pain but received no word of concern from her male colleague. 

Inside the chest was a small watch and a shoe that was hidden behind the music box. 

'how on earth did this stuff get in here?' y/n asked herself. She didn't really want to know. She reached in and plucked the watch out, putting it in the bin. She attempted to grab the shoe, but was lightly electrocuted as the safety latch came in contact with the s/c hand. She let out a louder yell and immediately pulled her hand back to her chest, nursing the burned wound. 

"Oi, what happened?" Mike questioned, up against the door. 

"Something shocked me!" She cried out, the pain still vividly present. 

"What thing?"

"The swinging thing!" Mike was confused. He knew what she was talking about, but he has heard stories from other workers saying how anyone who touched the "swinging thing" was immediately incapacitated, found dead later when the animatronics were needed again. Theoretically, the animatronic should have attacked y/n... but nothing happened. Mike sighed, shaking the thought off. 

"You still good to continue?" He inquired. 

"Yeah, yeah... I think so." y/n said. She looked back to the gaping cavity of the animatronic. She reached in again, attempting to grab the shoe and avoid anything else. Each time though, the music box prevented her from going fast enough to get the the small shoe before she would retract her hand again to avoid the safety latch. 

"There's a shoe behind the music box and I can't reach it!" She called once more. 

"Just remove the music box then. You have to replace it anyways." 

Again, she reached her s/c finger back into the inner workings. Grabbing the music box, she slowly pulled it out. The shoe fell down further into the cavity and almost out of sight. Placing the box down on the table she peered into the cavity once more. The shoe had fallen deeper and while the music box would not stall her getting to the clothing item, the depth it had fallen to would. Again and again she tried to reach it only to continue to retract her hand to narrowly miss the swinging pain rod. While she stopped for a second, unsure of what to do, the rod stopped swining on it's own. Perplexed, she quickly reached down and retrieved the shoe. A second later, it resumed it's pendulum nature. 

After disposing of the singular shoe she took ahold of a different music box next to the one she had removed. y/n went to put it into the animatronic when it slipped from her grasp, crashing to the floor and effectively breaking. The lights shut off abrubtly and a low hum emitted from throughout the room.

Mike must have sensed something as he called out questions while attempting to open the door, which refused to give. A dull light illuminated the floor around y/n suddenly and she abruptly looked up. The eyes of the mascot were glowing menacingly as she just stared back in shock. Mike turned to slamming the door with his body and the flimsy plywood gaveway. He quickly got to the girl, grabbed a box and shoved it into the animatronic. He then pushed the nose in and the cavity closed, effectively "calming" the animatronic. 

"Hey," he adressed y/n, who said nothing in return. "Hey, doll, you a'right?" He questioned more forcefully, shaking her shoulder a bit. She snapped out of her stuppor and nodded. 

"Good." Mike said. "Cause you are the only thing getting me out of this job so you better last." He helped her out of the room through the busted door and into the breakroom as the clock chimed signaling midnight.


edit: 3/3/21

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