Bullets Zipping By

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"Who's out there? Come out!" The eyes vanished and Shino with hundreds of insects following to protect him. Shino found scorch marks on the ground and the smell of brimstone where the eyes were, but nothing else ... no tracks or anything. The whistle of the kettle caught his attention and he went back to his home to take care of his father as he wondered what it was that he saw.


Naruto watched the three vampire professors as they pretended to eat lunch. Sarutobi just told him that he informed them about the medicine, but made sure not to tell who gave it to him. So now what? He just had to wait for their decision.

Naruto sighed as he turned and started walking towards his home.

"HEY Moore!" Naruto knew who called out to him, which is why he continued walking away. Well, he tried to, but he was stopped when a hand grabbed his shoulder.

Naruto sighed and faced his pursuer. "Yes Kiba? What is it?"

Kiba scowled. "You seem to think you're hot stuff or something, but get this straight. This campus is mine!"

"Whatever you say, Kiba." said the blonde indifferently as he tried, yet again, leave.

Kiba moved in front of the blonde and blocked his path, "Don't walk away from me or you'll find out what's it's like to get your ass beat just like when we declared independence in from you Scotts in 1860."

"First, know your ascents. I'm from London. I think you mean Great Britain in 1776." Kiba blinked and looked a little confused, "I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say you didn't do very well in history." commented the blonde.

"Shut up!" Kiba pulled back his arm and was going to hit the blonde.

"Kiba Inuzuka! What are you doing?" Kiba froze mid punch and turned to yell at the person who interrupted his business. Sadly, for him the person was Sarutobi.

"Headmaster I-I was j-just ..." stuttered Kiba as he scrambled to think of a plausible explanation.

"Leaving?" suggested Hiruzen. Kiba immediately nodded and left. "Sorry about that, Naruto."

Naruto shook his head, "Don't be, Headmaster. Do you know how many werewolves there are in the UK? Trust me, I'm used to it."

Hiruzen's eyes widened, "How did you know he's a werewolf?"

"You mean besides the territorial alpha wannbe routine?" The blonde chuckled.

"Yes, that pain in the ass attitude is a bit of a give away ... is there by any chance a potion for that?" said the headmaster.

The transfer student smiled, "Nope, sorry."

The headmaster sighed, "What a shame ... oh, there have been complaints about a strange creature around the village, but most people think it's a prank-"

"I heard the rumors and I know it's not a prank." said Naruto.

"It's not? ... did someone else come with you from London?" asked Hiruzen.

"Maybe ... if you can find out what it is then I'll show you." said the blonde. Hiruzen grinned, he did enjoy a good puzzle. In fact, he was so excited that he missed Naruto's mischievous smile ...


The blue eyed blonde Calculus professor, Minato Namikaze, just dismissed his students and left his classroom. The young 40 year old vampire came here 5 years ago in hopes of finding some vampires that didn't consume human blood like himself and he did. He was very happy, but he has been a bit distracted as of late. He has been since his fellow vampire, Hiruzen, told him and the others about a medicine that could heal them. It was more than the professor could hope for.

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