Hands in the Cookie Jar

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"I see ... we are the only Akatsuki approved people here so we'll let the Akatsuki handle it" Mrs. Haruno smirked, she had a lucrative business here and won't let it fall apart because of some upstart healer ...


Iruka smiled as Sasuke walked through the door of his classroom. After a couple weeks some arrangements were made so the young wolf demon could go back to classes. "It's good to see you Sasuke. Now you just say if you feel ill in any way and you can leave. I post my class lectures online so you won't miss anything."

"I know. Thank you, Professor Iruka. I'll be careful not to push it." said Sasuke as he took a seat near the door. His health has improved immensely, but was still recovering. If he did too much too fast he'd feel dizzy or tired and out of breath, but it has only been two weeks since he was healed by the tasty medicine Naruto gave his family. He felt amazing after a week, but the damage may have been more severe than anyone thought. Itachi returned to tell the British healer and apparently it's no surprise. It will be a bit longer before he is fully recovered. Until then someone will be picking him up from classes and he is to keep hydrated.

Sasuke took notes during the lecture, but every now and then his thoughts wandered to certain questions ...

Why would the Harunos's target his family?

Was it just for money?

The Uchihas weren't filthy rich, but they did have power. Itachi believed that they would drain them until they couldn't pay and then begin making offers in exchange for treatments. If that was the case Fugaku would've ordered his pack to do anything to get the treatments.

But when would it have ended?

Did they intend to leave Sasuke sick forever?

Did the Haruno family even have a real cure?

How long would it have been before he died?

When was the first dose?

That last question truly disturbed Sasuke. He wasn't sure when the first dose of that vile black metal was given to him. The only Haruno he knew was Sakura and he avoided her like the plague. Sakura was one of those stalker types that really unnerved him and she was by far the worst he has ever had the misfortune of meeting, but that's why he was so confused. He stays away from her and couldn't drug him easily. Then there was his parents and the black metal being in their bodies. How did that happen?

As troubling as this whole thing was Sasuke shook the thoughts away and focused on the lecture. Once the class ended he picked up his things and left after the other students. Just before he made it to the exit he felt someone hug him from behind ...

"Sasuke! It's so good to see you up and looking so much better! Looks like those treatments are working!"

Sasuke fought the urge to growl as he turned to see a pink haired young woman about his age, "Sakura ... those treatments weren't helping so we got a second opinion. I have to leave, excuse me." He said trying to not rip out her throat with human students around to witness it. It wasn't easy. What really freaks him out is that he is positive that he smells her scent through his window every now and then. Both when he was sick and when he got better.

Sakura pouted, "A second opinion? Who did you go to?" She asked sweetly. To everyone else she would seem cute, flirty and just curious, but really she was seething. Sakura wanted nothing more than to find out who would dare cure Sasuke before she could. Her romantic fantasy was ruined because of that person! ... maybe it was deliberate. Maybe they were using her plan to seduce Sasuke! She won't allow it! As her paranoid thoughts ran rampant she started to get an insane glint in her eyes that made Sasuke take a step back ... and then other.

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