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"Quite right ... and since a rash is that saved me I do believe it would be rude not to tend to it immediately." Naruto said and everyone zeroed in on Kiba who gulped nervously ...


"LET ME GO YOU FUCKERS!" Kiba screamed as the vampires basically dragged him into the mansion and tossed him into a bedroom upstairs.

Naruto smiled as he came into the mansion with every single person who was involved thus far many of which were clearly concerned about his health being that he did basically die in front of them. "Now, now Kiba, we have to deal with this rash of yours or I won't be holding up my end of the deal." He said as he casually climbed the stairs. The vampires noticed a slight sadistic gleam in the hellhound's eyes and knew he was not going to compromise on this though they couldn't bring themselves to feel bad for the stupid werewolf.

"Fine, but can't we do this with less people?" Kiba snapped rudely clearly embarrassed that the vampires were standing in the room and that one by one everyone was gathering out in the hall.

Naruto shrugged, "You had no problem stripping and shifting in front of everyone just moment ago so it seems strange that you're shy now when you're clearly in pain from this rash." He said as he subtly tapped a message 'don't react' on his phone and showed it to everyone in the hall when he moved behind Kiba meaning Kiba was the only one who didn't see the message. "Shino could you get me the wolf's bane burn salve and one of those candles next to the healing gel for my burns."

Tsume walked in the room as Shino left to get the items requested, "Why does it sound like you already know what my idiot son has?"

"THE DOOR!" Kiba snapped irritated that he wasn't being giving the privacy he desired.

"Shut it!" Tsume snapped making her son reluctantly quiet down.

"I didn't know if it caused a rash, but I spotted Kiba on my property several times and he kept hitting wolf's bane patches. If that trend continued it makes a nasty blistery rash as you can see." Naruto said pointing to the sensitive to Kiba's redness that was peeking over the hem of the werewolf's pants while blatantly ignoring the growl from the alpha "I'll fix the injuries I gave you after we handle the rash, but first I must know when you lost your sense of smell." Naruto smiled as Shino returned and immediately took the candle. As he lit it he silently signaled for all the others to remain silent.

Kiba scowled missing the subtle signal from the hellhound, "I can smell just fine!"

"Oh? Then what is the smell from this candle?" Naruto said as he almost apologetically kissed Hashirama, who seemed to be suddenly ill, on the cheek.

The werewolf smirked, "Roses." He said remembering the label from the candle as Shino brought it in the room, but he gaped as everyone, despite the degree of heightened senses, broke down gasping for air and ran out of the house. Except for Naruto. that is, who blew out the candle and threw the window open to breathe deeply. "What the fuck?" Kiba stood there shocked as everything settled down.

Tsume came running back in the room and glared at Kiba, "That's not the smell of roses! It's ... what in god's name is that shit?" She yelled at Naruto who also looked like he was recovering from the smell.

"It's a combination of herbs used in purifying places with gremlins or other things like pixies. My apologies, it really is bloody awful, but it got the point across. I'll ask again. When did you lose your sense of smell, Kiba?" Naruto asked everyone slowly returned to the hallway especially the other werewolves who were quite curious as to how their alpha could have hidden such a big secret for any length of time.

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