Pt. 10

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Finn sits next to me fascinated about the show on TV. Well this is officially awkward. I clear my throat. Then I sit back and stare at the floor. I should go. I mean, I don't want to stay here anymore. But I don't want to tell Finn. Ya he seems all popular and probably gets drunk on weekends but, I cant tell him.

I take a deep breath.

"You okay?" Finn asks.

"Fine." I lie. Everything is confusing or to sad to let go. Like my families death. No money. Finn.

"You don't seem fine,"

"Im okay." I reassure him.

"Alright then."

I shake my head. Im stupid, why didn't I just tell him.He turns to look at me and tells me to take a nap. So I do. My dream was horrible. I don't know why but I dreamt about the car crash and how my family died.

This is what happened:

I was sitting in the backseat.

M:"Alina just need some space, Larissa."

L: "I know, but I miss how she used to play dolls with me."

Mom turns around and faces me. But its a dream, how does she know I was there.

M: "I know Larissa. But just accept the fact that shes growing up, and needs her time, okay?"

L: "But I want better childhood memories! And I cant have any if shes always focusing on herself!"

And thats were I see it. Mom has to turn around. Shes leaving the wheel unattended and a bus was entering her lane. I scream to my mom to look back but she just looks at Larissa. Larissa screams and mom turns. But its too late. The tail of the bus his the front and make it skid to the side. Another car that was coming high-speed crashed right into them, making the car flip.

Then I woke up. I shoot up half screaming for my mom. Im still in the living room. Finn looks at me.

"What happened?" He said while still staring at the TV screen.

"Nothing. I just dreamt that uh that..." What should I say? Something cool though..."Oh uhm they killed this guy and you an I were there and it was just like so cool and and and..." You've said to much.

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