Chapter five

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Sarah's head throbbed as she swallowed her paracetamol, 'I really shouldn't have opened that second bottle of wine' she mumbled to herself, 'Come on Amy, hurry up and finish your breakfast, we're going to be late for school', she hurried her daughter along, quickly tidied up and within five minutes they were heading to the door.

After dropping Amy at school Sarah drove down to Sainsburys to pick up a couple of things she needed for dinner, she really didn't feel like cooking so had decided to buy a selection of cold meats and cheeses and perhaps pick up a couple of different salads, they had a nice selection at their deli counter which made the extra twenty minute drive worth while.

As it was still early in the morning the large car park was almost empty and Sarah had no trouble parking quite close to the entrance. She picked up a basket at the entrance and made her way to the deli counter at the back of the supermarket.

'OMG, it can't be!'

'OMG! it is' 

Sarah turned round and almost bumped into two grinning faces.

'Sarah, is it really you!!'

Sarah couldn't believe her eyes, Belinda and Bea, her two best friends, well only friends really, from school were standing in front of her grinning from ear to ear.

She had lost touch with them way back when all the mess had started and she had been whisked away into marriage and motherhood.  Everything had happened so quickly she hadn't really had time for anyone, although she had really needed friends back then. She had called a couple of times but they had been busy with school, holidays and dates and when they were free she had been up to her eyes in dirty nappies and feeding bottles, so the friendships had died.

'I thought it was you' Belinda brought her back to the present, 'How are you, motherhood seems to suit you' she said eyeing Sarah up and down. Sarah had matured over the last six years and with regular visits to the gym she had to agree that she was looking much better at twenty one than she had at just sixteen!

'I'm good, and you two, OMG, you look great! it's been so long! what are you doing here!'

Bea grabbed Sarah's arm, 'We've just finished uni, both landed jobs at 'Campion' you know, the large marketing company and so we decided to rent an apartment together, it's just up the road  from here, we're going to be neighbours!' she gushed out, 'isn't that great.'

Sarah stood, a little stunned at all the news, 'yes, it sounds great' she replied

'Look we don't have time to talk now' Belinda interrupted, ' are you doing anything tomorrow night, it's our first Friday around here, why don't we meet up and go for a drink, maybe a bite to eat, and catch up on everything. It'll be fun' she added.

'I'm not sure,' Answered Sarah cautiously, ' I would really love to but what about Amy, my little one?'

'Can't someone look after her, you're still married aren't you?' Bea asked inquisitively

'Yes of course', Sarah replied, ' It's just that I have never been out on my own since I married and I haven't left Amy behind, if we go out it is usually with Richard's family and we take Amy with us!'

'OMG Sarah, are you saying you haven't had a girl's night out in six years!'

'Well no, I haven't' sarah admitted quietly. The truth is Belinda and Bea were her only friends and without them who was she supposed to go with. Sarah had made friends recently with some of the mum's from Amy's school but that usually resulted in play days and morning coffees rather than boozy nights out!!

'Then that's settled' Said Belinda, 'We will meet you tomorrow at seven at the wine bar on the corner of Beacon Street, Richard can look after Amy. I bet Richard gets to go out with his friends occassionaly' 

'Well actually yes, he does go out for a drink now and again after work, but only once or twice a week and he is never too late back.' She admitted.

'Good, well see you tomorrow then' Bea called out as they headed off

'bye' echoed Belinda


Sarah turned back to the deli counter, the morning had been surreal. It had been so long since she had seen her friends and now she was going out for a drink with them.

She could hardly believe it, she was a little worried about tonight, how was she going to ask Richard to look after Amy and tell him she was going on a girl's night out. Richard was a little old fashioned about that sort of thing, he liked having his wife at home, looking after him and his daughter, she was a little unsure what his reaction to all this was going to be.

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