Chapter Six

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Sarah put the finishing touches to the table, everything was perfect, a nice platter of cold meats and cheeses, a potato, raisin and radish salad in the center with a smaller bowl of green mixed salad on the right. She opened a bottle of rose wine, and left it in the cooler on the table. With a quick glance at the clock, it was almost seven o'clock, she went upstairs to check on Amy.

This had somehow started to become the norm. Every Monday, Wednesday and some Fridays Richard would go for a drink with the lads after work.  He said it was good to have a 'social' connection with them. Sarah didn't mind, On Tuesdays, Thursdays and some Fridays when he came straight home they would all eat together, on the later nights she would feed Amy first and then have her in bed by the time Richard came home. Actually she quite liked these evenings because it meant that she and Richard could have 'adult' conversations.

'Come on Amy,' she called as she approached the room, 'Time to go to sleep'

She gave Amy a kiss on the forehead and a quick cuddly, popped her under the covers, turned on the night light and turned the main might off. 'Sleep tight' she said as she closed the door behind her.

As she came down the stairs she heard the front door open.

'Hi darling' he called out

'Hi' she answered approaching him and giving him a peck on the cheek. 'How did it go?' she asked.

 She could smell beer on his breathe, 'good' he answered, 'is dinner ready? I'm starving'

'Yes, I thought it would make a change to have something light,' she answered, 'so we have salad and cold meats, I also picked up that nice Swiss cheese you like' she added.

'OK great, let me just pop upstairs to freshen up, won't be minute,'

Sarah went back into the dinning room and poured out the wine. Richard walked into the room five minutes later wearing a comfortable pair of shorts and t-shirt.

'Let's see what you got' he said as he sat down and took a sip of wine.

After they had served themselves dinner and had chattered a little about the office, a new client he had Sarah guided the conversation over to her day.

'I met some old school friends of mine today at the supermarket' she started, 'I haven't seen them in over six years, they've just moved into the area.'

'That's nice, do i know them?'

'I'm not sure if you remember them, Belinda and Bea, they were my closest friends back in school'

Richard put his fork down and reached for his glass, 'Oh yes, Belinda was that tall, slim blond one and Bea had amazing blue eyes and long, curly brown hair' he said

'Yes that's right,' Sarah had to hide a little annoyance as Richard's description of her friends made her feel a little jealous that he had remembered their 'attributes' quite so well.

'How are they doing?' he continued.

'Very well actually, they finished school, went to college and then onto uni. They have both graduated and have secured a job at that new marketing company down town.'

'Oh good, always thought Belinda would make something of herself'

'Unlike me' I almost snapped at him

'No darling, I wasn't comparing you, I just said I thought she would do well, that's all'

Sarah took a long sip from her glass, 'Richard, are you going out on Friday, after work I mean?' 

'Actually no, not this Friday, why do you ask?'

'Belinda and Bea have invited me out for a drink, to catch up on old times. I wondered if you didn't mind staying in and watching Amy whilst I went out for a couple of hours'

Richard didn't answer straight away, he slowly took a bite of his salad and thought a bit. 

'Who exactly will be there?' he asked after a couple of minutes

'Only Belinda, Bea and myself' I answered.

'Where will you be going?' 

'They asked to meet me at the wine bar in Beacon Street'

'The problem is I didn't get their number so I can't call them, and they will be waiting for me at the bar. Come on Richard, it's not like I make a habit of going out. This is the first time I have ever asked you to watch Amy, it's the first time I'll be going out on my own since we married. Surely you wouldn't deny me that!' Sarah's voice had started to rise during her little speech and the last words had almost come out in a shout.

Richard looked a little surprised and a little annoyed.

He didn't say anything for a few moments, just continued to eat, he refilled the glasses and at length took a sigh, 'Fine,' he said 'Look I'm sorry, I guess you just took me by surprise that's all. You're right, I have been neglecting you lately, you should go out. I'll make sure I come back early on Friday, it'll be nice to spend some quality father/daughter time together. And I'll tell you what, at the weekend why don't we arrange to go off somewhere, maybe down to the coast, Amy will love that and it looks like you could do with a break'

'Oh Richard, thank you, and yes the weekend break sounds great. Let's go down to Cornwall, if we leave early Saturday morning we should get there with enough time to enjoy the afternoon sunshine, the weather forecast said sunny weather was predicted for this weekend'

'Great, that's sorted then. By the way, have you seen my pale blue shirt, I wanted to wear it this morning but couldn't find it'

'Oh sorry, it's probably in the ironing pile. I will get that sorted before I go out tomorrow.' 

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