Chapter Three

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Sarah went back to kitchen to put the finishing touches to the meal. She chose a nice bottle of cool, crisp white wine, opened it and poured two glasses, it was a little early but she really fancied a drink.

As she poured the wine she remembered the first days of her marriage, they had been very difficult. Richard had not loved her then, not at all. He had felt trapped, as if she had purposely become pregnant so that he would marry her. His mother had provided them with the semi detached house they now lived in, it was quite a nice house, three bedrooms, a spacious kitchen, utility room, living and separate dining room with a small back room which had been converted into Richard's den cum office. This was the largest and nicest house Sarah had ever lived in, sometimes she still found it hard to believe it was hers!

Things started to change when Amy was born, she was such an adorable baby, so good, hardly ever cried, ate well, pretty much the perfect daughter. Slowly, very slowly, Richard started to realise that Sarah actually loved him and had not trapped him on purpose at all! And slowly, ever so slowly he actually started to have feelings for her and love, no adore his daughter.

He was a good husband, he graduated from university with honours and with a little help from his father, he set up his own accountancy business and was doing very well. He provided enough money for a very comfortable life, a couple of holidays each year, a couple of cars. But it was not just money, he was there emotionally as well. He had grown to love Sarah and was a very active father to Amy.

His mother on the other hand had never forgiven Sarah. Her feelings towards Sarah we getting a little better, from total loathing to just about tolerating which was were they were now. Richard's father simply ignored everyone and everything, a trait he applied to anything he didn't like.

Sarah's parents, well she hadn't seen her father since she was about ten so he didn't really count and as far as her mother was concerned, she had been paid a couple of thousand pounds to keep quiet and basically to keep away. Sarah didn't really miss her parents at all, they hadn't been around much as she was growing up anyway.

Sarah took a long drink from her glass, Richard came down and circled his arms around her waist,  'You know we are going to have to get a pet soon don't you?' he mumbled into her neck.

'Umm, not yet' Sarah replied pulling gently away from Richard and giving him his glass, 'I really don't think I could cope right now, and anyway what would happen when we go on holiday?'

'She could go to the knennels' answered Amy skipping into the kitchen, Anyway mum, I really don't know why you think it is so much work, my friend's mum works full time and she can look after their dog, you stay at home all day so you have loads of free time'

'Cheeky' Answered Sarah, 'I happen to have very full and busy days if you don't mind!'

'ok, ok' interjected Richard, 'let's just drop the conversation for now, what's cooking, I'm starving!'

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