The Princess and the Three Children

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     Once upon a time, on a bright sunny day, a beautiful young woman rode on horseback through a lush meadow. She was, in fact, the princess of this fair land her horse now trod through. Her name was Alreenia.

     Princess Alreenia was betrothed to the prince of a nearby kingdom. His name was Felheart. At first, Alreenia had thought the name strange. But when she and the prince met for the first time, she found it quite fitting.

     You see, Alreenia and Felheart's marriage was arranged to keep the peace and unite the kingdoms. They had only met for the first time a few weeks before. The two took to each other at once, despite their assumptions at not getting along, and now both felt that they were very much in love. The short time they'd known each other felt more like a wonderful lifetime.

     At that moment, Princess Alreenia was riding to meet with her betrothed. It was two more weeks until their marriage, and it was custom to see your betrothed at that time. Alreenia greatly looked forward to it.

     Suddenly, out of nowhere, a rag-wearing child ran out in front of the princess's horse. Alreenia quickly stopped the horse so as not to trample the poor little girl.

     "Careful, dear!" the princess said to the small child. Like the princess, and everyone else in the kingdom, the little girl's skin was a lovely blue color. Alreenia got off her horse and rushed to check the child over. "Are you hurt? I'm dreadfully sorry. Where is your mother?"

     "Gone to the market, m'lady," the girl said, dropping a quick, but still graceful curtsy.

     "Well, run home, then. Don't want to get trampled, do you?" Alreenia asked.

     "No, m'lady."

     With that, the girl ran own the hill they were on toward a cottage in the trees. Alreenia mounted her horse again, and rode on.

     A minute later, the princess stopped her horse again. A dirty little boy was crying in the road. Alreenia got down again, taking the boy's hand. "Are you alright, lad?"

     The boy wiped his tears quickly and nodded. "Yes. Yes, princess." He ran away without another word.

     "How strange," the princess muttered, frowning. Why were children in the road? It wouldn't seem as odd if the children also didn't give any explanation.

     Alreenia mounted her horse again, and continued on until she was stopped again; another child in the road. An older girl this time.

     "Why, lass! Are you alright?!" the princess cried, rushing over. This time she'd get answers. She took the girl into her arms. "Are you hurt?"

     "No, Your Highness. I'm quite alright." She tried to squirm away, but the princess wouldn't let go. What if this child was in danger?

     "Why were you standing in the road, child?" the princess asked urgently.

     "I... I..." the girl started, then stopped. Finally, she seemed to make a decision and said, "I was waiting for Lady Sidney."

     "Lady Sidney? Why, whatever for?"

     "Well... um... she says the children must learn to pay their taxes at an early age, so she rides up this rode once a week to collect all the children's money. She said if we didn't, she would have the royal wizard turn us to stone. But she also said it's going to a good cause, though, so we don't mind."

     "Right. Good causes like clothes and parties," Alreenia mumbled, a dark look coming upon her face. "Well, you can tell all they needn't do that anymore. I shall have a little chat with Lady Sidney. God bless you and your family, child."

     After seeing Prince Felheart and relating all that she'd learned, Princess Alreenia returned to the castle and had such a "chat" with Lady Sidney that she ended up in the dungeon for twenty years.

     Prince Felheart and Princess Alreenia were married two weeks later, and all lived happily for the rest of their days.

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