Chapter Two

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The heat was stifling, the temperature and humidity reaching unbearable proportions as the day wore on. But in spite of his discomfort, Loki would not let the object of his resentment out of his line of sight.

Thirty minutes into his vigil, he loosened his tie and opened the top two buttons of his shirt. By the time an hour had passed he was forced to remove his suit jacket, and then some forty minutes later he reluctantly had to resort to rolling up his shirt sleeves.
He disliked having to do so. In his opinion, one ought to always be properly dressed.

Fortunately he did not have to do anything so drastic and unbecoming as shed  his shirt altogether and go bare chested like the majority of the other men, because finally -- and thankfully -- the young Agent Romanoff rose from where she'd been casually reclining next to her unlikely companion, and headed off back down the beach.

"About time." He muttered to himself, reluctantly leaving the shade afforded by one of the large sun parasols that hadn't already been commandeered. But before he did so, he quickly cloaked himself using his magic. He wasn't taking any chances of her detecting him following.

He had toyed with the idea of making himself invisible earlier and sneaking up on her and the man she had spent so much time unashamedly flirting with. Watching the usually poker-faced young woman laughing so heartily as the pair shared some private joke, had fascinated Loki. The way she inclined her head towards his, their bodies positioned at intimately close quarters suggested a familiarity of acquaintance and implied they were making more than just polite conversation.
She had brazenly massaged oil into his hairy shoulders, which both appalled and intrigued Loki in equal measures.

Surely to goodness the flirtation couldn't be genuine.
He wasn't naive enough to believe that it was.
But she certainly played the part well.

In the end the only thing that stopped Loki from casting his invisibility spell and eavesdropping, was the sand. Although the beach was crowded and Agent Romanoff otherwise engaged, he wasn't willing to risk leaving footprints for fear of them being noticed.
But now he no longer gave a damn. He was hot, tired and growing increasingly cranky. To hell with the consequences of any of these ridiculous mortals noticing shoe imprints being left by an invisible entity. They were al so dull-witted they probably wouldn't even be able to perceive such an anomaly.

He stalked her back along the shore until the beach gave way to sandy pathways and a built-up area. They made their way through the  grounds, passed the opulent beach hotel to what was signposted as the presidential section of the resort.
She came to a stop in front of the small bungalows that lined the Northern part of the beach, and reached into the top of her bathing suit.

Loki watched with amused interest as she fumbled for a second before pulling out a keycard. The thought of her keeping such a thing tucked inside her cleavage almost made him want to laugh.

However, any thoughts of laughter were immediately quashed when she successfully unlocked the door and was suddenly inside before he'd been able to dash in after her.

He uttered a string of expletives, irrational frustration consuming him.
At that moment he heard approaching footsteps, and turned to see a young man dressed in red shorts and a gleaming white T.shirt come around the corner.
Loki's keen eyes fell on the name badge pinned to his chest, confirming that he was a member of staff at the resort.

He wasted no time in letting the invisibility spell melt away, and called out to the hapless young man, displaying his trademark aristocrat authority.

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