Chapter Eleven

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When Natasha woke the following morning, for a split second she had no idea where she was.

The bed she was in was firm but nothing out of the ordinary. Just another hotel bed. That was no surprise. She spent so much of her time travelling the world, going from one mission to the next, she could scarcely remember what her own bed felt like.

But this room, this bed, was different. Different because she was not alone.
The startling realisation hit her quickly and for a moment she was in shock.
Who was curled up around her?

Then it all came flooding back. The events of the previous night, and suddenly she was all too aware of the sensation of Loki's lithe body behind her. Well, all around her.
He felt warm, and solid, and knowing that it was the enigmatic, handsome God, made her breath stick in her throat.

An actual deity was wrapped around her like he never wanted to let her go.

A quick glance down reaffirmed that she was naked, and tremors of excitement threw her pulse into turmoil at the unfamiliar delight of having a man naked beside her. Though not just any man of course.


He had a long arm wrapped tightly around her waist, and an even longer leg intertwined with hers. His face was nuzzled into the area between the back of her neck and shoulders, and she could feel him breathing against her. It was all extremely intimate. Nice....exceedingly nice....but undeniably intimate. And she had to admit it was a strangely emotional experience.

Never before had she awoke with a man like this. Until now, she never thought she would, nor particularly wanted to. But Loki's embrace was secure but tender. It felt right somehow. He himself felt so right. Or so her traitorous emotions kept telling her. But Natasha couldn't dwell on that or allow her mind to wander, wondering what it would feel like to wake up next to him like that every morning.
Would it become boring like most things in life once the novelty had worn off? Perhaps even only after a couple of weeks? Or would it always feel this way?
She had a feeling she knew, but it wasn't worth thinking about. There was no point pining after what you couldn't have and shouldn't want.
Simple as that.

So Natasha decided just to enjoy the closeness. Even though there was an undeniable yearning deep inside which she found deeply unsettling.

Loki, who had lay awake longer than herself, had been grateful for knowing nothing for several hours when sleep finally overcame him. The situation, whilst unarguably enjoyable, was causing him a great deal of anxiety.
The easy familiarity, closeness and intimacy had his thoughts reeling. Battling with sense and reason and emotion, his head, heart and instincts were now like separate countries. Countries at war.

He awoke to find Natasha propped on one elbow, her emerald green eyes devouring his face.

Smiling a little, he said "Good morning. How long have you been staring at me?"

"Not long enough."

Laughter, mocking, tantalising and real, lit his eyes as he sat up and pulled her to him. "I've been called many things in my time, but beautiful.....seriously?"

Leaning contentedly into his warm chest, Natasha flushed a little. "I didn't think you'd heard. You weren't meant to."


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