Chapter Five

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The short walk from the beachside bar to Natasha's bungalow wasn't very far at all, but with the drunken Comineza it took double the length of time it ordinarily would.

Staggering unsteadily, Natasha did her best to support him and keep him upright, when really she'd have liked nothing better than to let him fall flat on his stupid, oafish face.
Unfortunately for her though she had to at least keep up the pretence for the benefit of any onlookers, as well as Comineza himself.
All she had to do was get him back to her room and then she could finally be rid of him.
And that time couldn't come soon enough, she thought darkly, as he persistently kept trying to claim her mouth with rough, slobbery kisses as they made their way along the sandy path toward the presidential area.

Not too far behind them, Loki observed with increasing disdain. He highly suspected that Natasha was luring the fool back to her accommodation so that she could dispatch him, and he'd taken a morbid interest in how she would slay him, as well as just exactly how far she was willing to go before doing so.

Thoughts of Comineza's meaty hands pawing her dazzling little body made his stomach turn violently. And all the while the word 'mine' resounded in his head, refusing to be silenced.

Comineza would not have her. He would make sure of that. Musspelheim would freeze over before he'd allow that man -- any man -- to take her.

To his mind, Natasha Romanoff was now his. She would be his compensation, and it was her penance for what the older Natasha had done to him.
Some might argue that his twisted logic was questionable, but he didn't give a damn. He would seduce her just for the sheer hell of it, and make her suffer. He had to make her suffer someway, somehow.

By now the pair had reached the bungalow and Natasha was hastily bundling the man inside. He was blatantly intoxicated. Loki had already noted how Comineza had grown increasingly over animated, very physically demonstrative, and it also appeared his motor skills were struggling to catch up with his thought process.
To all intents and purposes, he was an easy target. The hapless brute didn't stand a chance.

Or so it seemed.

Once inside the bungalow, Jose wasted no time in grabbing Natasha clumsily and began ardently kissing her again. Which was even more unbearable now that she'd recently sampled the delights of the mysterious Loki's lips.

"Hey, slow down sweetie. What's the rush?" She remarked somewhat patronisingly, but Comineza seemed all at once overcome with lust and showed no signs of slowing down. On the contrary, he was quickly becoming alarmingly over amorous, much to Natasha's vexation.

He was a large man and his size dwarfed her petite frame in comparison. As he lunged at her she found herself being pushed backwards against the vanity table. Perfume bottles and makeup went scattering to the floor, as the weight of his hefty torso pressed her down onto the hard surface.

"Wait!" She ordered, pushing him off her.

To her dismay, he wouldn't be deterred, and now her purse had slipped from her arm and was just out of reach. Cursing under her breath, she turned her face away to escape his wet lips. She was going to have to use her own strength and combat skills against him now, rather than subduing him quietly as she'd intended.

Freeing her arm with relative ease, she brought her elbow up sharply, hitting him square on the jaw.

Stunned, he reeled backwards, clutching his chin. "Fucking bitch!"

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