10: Donnie X Reader

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"10: There are ten- ten people's personalities here -> 💜"

[Takes place after the events of the episode: Mind Meld]

 When Donnie successfully restored his brothers to their original selves, the next day he receives a text message from (Y/N) asking about what happened yesterday. Despite of his discomfort to remember that dreadful experience, he knows when (Y/N) notices stuff like stuff, they won't stop bugging about it. Especially, when they were in the lair with Splinter after seeing his brothers wearing Donnie's purple bandanas before heading out. He sighs and replies back to his friend.


Donnie: "This topic only stays between the two of us, and only the two of us (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Okay... So when your brothers were wearing your purple bandanas, it wasn't another prank by led by Leo or the guys trying to act like you for a day?"

Donnie: "Honestly, I wished for the second option but no it was not like that at all."

(Y/N): ...

Donnie: "You have a right to be silent at me (Y/N) and even Shelldon told me it was 100% my fault before I found the solution to yesterday's events." 

(Y/N): "I wouldn't mind listening to another detailed speech Donnie but right now the short truth might easier to say or text in this matter."

Donnie: "Ok... I may have altered my brothers' thinking processes to be more like yours truly but I now regretted it and missed the dumb dumbs."

(Y/N): "Dumb dumbs... I never pictured you saying those words together and you usually have a more sophisticated vocabulary."

Donnie: "I'm flattered but, you're not mad at me (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "I'm more annoyed than mad Donnie since you know better not to do something like this, especially to your own brothers. However, I'm thankful you finally realized what you did to your brothers wasn't a good idea."

Donnie: "A team full of Donnies would have been too much for this world to handle."

(Y/N): "sure... but you can't replace the original though..."

Donnie: "what?"

(Y/N): "uh... never mind that last comment! I just deleted it! Anyway, like you said this topic stays between the two of us and I'll keep onto that promise! See you soon!"


That following night around 7 pm near the rooftops...

"I can't believe I let that slipped out! And in a text too!" (Y/N) said while covering their blushing face with their hands.

"Awww! That's really sweet (Y/N). I wonder what's Donnie's reaction to that text as well." April said.

"April please! I'm sure Donnie won't mention it and I really hope he doesn't." (Y/N) said.

"Mention what?" Donnie said as he hovered in front of the teens with his battle shell.

April spots Donnie's brothers across from other building hiding while giving a thumbs up and she nods as a response. She pulls out her phone as a distraction. 

"I forgot something at the lair, so Donnie why don't you keep company (Y/N) while I'll go get it." April said as Mayhem walks by and teleports her to where the other turtles are.

"Uh sure..." Donnie said and then faces towards (Y/N) who's blushing red.

The two sit apart in a bench as an awkward silence fills the atmosphere. (Y/N) looks down at the ground still reflecting about the second to last message they accidentally sent to Donnie. Embarrassment is the only thing on (Y/N)'s mind until the turtle individual near them decides to speak up. They still don't look at him but only listen to the sound of his words.

"Okay (Y/N)... What do you mean by 'sure... but you can't replace the original though...'?" Donnie asked while placing his attention on (Y/N).

(Y/N) gulped in response but managed to say something.

"The original being you Donnie... I wish I could have said something while your brothers were staring down at you... even though it was none of my business... it just bothered me just seeing you that distraught." (Y/N) said.

The turtle blinked in response and only thought of a worse scenario if (Y/N) choose to actually intervene during that scene. (Y/N) in tears would be one thing he would hate to see along with potentially losing a friend who's used his rambling conversations. And knowing how sensitive (Y/N) is, he wouldn't forgive himself for that. He shudders at the thought of his brothers saying mean things about (Y/N) if that had happened. He quickly shakes that thought out of his mind before he continues his chat with (Y/N).

"So... you're more content with the original Donnie who is me and not more fond of the Donnie versions of my brothers..." Donnie asked.

(Y/N) lets out another sigh but finally looks at their friend.

"Why wouldn't I send you those texts in the first place Donnie..." (Y/N) said while smiling.

Donnie now realizing (Y/N)'s smile becomes astonished leaving him speechless. (Y/N) laughs at the shocked turtle and sends him a text.


(Y/N): Let's go eat dessert for dinner and pick up the pizzas for your brothers afterwards.

Donnie: WAIT!!! Does this count as a date?! Are we dating now?!


Donnie looks at his friend and sees them holding out their hand.

"You really are the funny one Donnie." (Y/N) said beaming at the turtle.

"Well, I do have a way with words." Donnie said now back to his original self as he holds hands with (Y/N).

Meanwhile with the other Mad Dogs...

"Donnie's going to be nonstop with words describing (Y/N)..." Leo groaned.

"Should we go easy on teasing the new couple?" Mikey said.

"Dunno. What do you think April?" Raph asked.

"Probably but count on (Y/N) blushing every once in a while because of that dense turtle." April said.


1/10 parts completed

I'm still working on the other story but I want to try an actual oneshot format though (especially a completed one)

Hopefully I got Donnie's character correct though

As always feel free to leave criticisms or comments for this oneshot



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