7: April X Reader

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"7: They d💛n't share their memories"

Around April's high school at lunch time...

As April walked downstairs through the hallway to a certain classroom, she heard students' conversations as she continues her way.

"Ⅿs. O' Neil won't last a minute tutoring that kid", "I bet she'll run out of the room scared out of her mind and regretting this decision", "I hope she has a weapon on her to defend herself", "I can't believe resumes look for this type of work"

April shook off the negative vibes and stepped up her pace. After seeing the classroom in the distance, she notices her new friend Sunita around the corner. April then goes over to where Sunita is and the two girls chat for a bit.

"Are you slightly nervous about helping that kid in the classroom over there?" Sunita asked.

"Hooo boy... Kind of. On my way getting here, the other students are just spreading rumors and they normally don't talk about me." April said.

"How rude!" Sunita said.

Sunita quickly looked around to see if they were the only two people and after the coast is clear, she pulled April to a separate corner. April was about to question her friend's sudden actions but Sunita shushed her.

"(When I first heard about the new kid, I think I saw them by the same mutant pizza place you went with Leo and Donnie)?" Sunita whispered.

"(What?! You think they might be another mutant?)" April asked.

"(I'm only assuming but there was a large birthday party around them so I couldn't get a close up though. Sorry for the short info.)" Sunita said.

"(No that's cool! I'm slightly at ease since you mentioned that. Thanks Sunita.)" April said.

"(Awww! No problem! Good luck on the tutoring!)" Sunita said while hugging April.

After the two girls left their separate ways for lunch, April went up to the classroom door and slowly opened it. The classroom only had one student and it was the said kid many students were saying rumors about. When (Y/N) looked up, they saw April who was just standing at the opened doorway. April took a deep breath and exhaled before taking a seat by (Y/N). Before April said anything, (Y/N) took some papers out of their backpack and instantly pointed to their name on one of the half written papers.

"So you go by (Y/N)?" April asked.

"Yes. And your name." (Y/N) said while getting two pencils near the front desk.

"April O' Neil. Or April for short." April said.

(Y/N) nodded at April and began separating their papers into two stacks. They handed the one of the stacks to April and she recognizes this pile is full of math problems. 

"I hate anything to do with math but I managed to finish those papers. But I don't think the answers are correct so just go ahead check them for me." (Y/N) said while writing.

"Uh... okay." April said.

After two months passed, (Y/N) becomes good friends with April and Sunita. The tutoring sessions have half the fun along with the assignment section. Even minimum days can't stop the new trio's lively energy.

However, during the first week of the third month...

"With so many improvements from the last two months, I hope you'll understand that the next week will be the final week Ms. O' Neil's will be assisting you (Y/N)." one of (Y/N)'s teachers said as she exited out of the classroom.

"Right..." (Y/N) said trying not to glare at their teacher out of the door.

(Y/N) folded their arms on their desk looking at the window.

"(The one time I'm okay with this school and now it decides to take away that fun... ugh...)" (Y/N) thought to themselves. 

As April enters the classroom for another tutor session, she notices her friend's silence and goes over to talk with them.

"You alright (Y/N)?" April asked.

"Postpone the end of tutoring party to next week because my stupid teacher thinks its a better idea to end your help next Friday." (Y/N) said not looking at April and passed the graded papers to her.

All of the papers and their letter grades ranged from B's to a few A-'s and April glanced back at her friend.

"Did you say anything to change her mind?" April asked.

"I have one of the stubbornest teachers, April and I already had enough of her two faced attitude..." (Y/N) said wiping their tears with their hoodie sleeve.

April puts aside (Y/N)'s papers on the other desk and quickly hugs her sadden friend. (Y/N) slowly lights up from April's hug.

"I know you're usually not into hugs but, I feel like you really need one after that last minute decision" April said.

(Y/N) continues to cry but accepts the hug by resting their head on April's shoulders.

After a few minutes, the two friends decide to chat instead of work on (Y/N)'s assignments.

"How are you feeling (Y/N)?" April asked.

"Slightly better thanks to you April..." (Y/N) said.

"Awww shucks! You're embarrassing me (Y/N) but, can I ask one question if its not too much trouble?" April asked.

"Why would you say that?" (Y/N) said.

"Before I met you, Sunita saw you at this other pizza place where there are a lot of-"

"Ⅿutants." (Y/N) said.

"Are you by chance one as well?" April asked surprised.

"Not really. But when a whole bunch of green mosquitoes crashed one of my family parties the last three months, I was one of the few not mutated since large parties weren't my thing. It took two weeks for my parents to get adjusted to the new lifestyle. To be honest, a lot of mutants helping out my parents are nicer than the students in this school if that tells you anything." (Y/N) said.

"Oh! That's good because Sunita is also a mutant! Well more like a yokai though" April said.

"You two talking about the birthday thing, Sunita's dad does, is enough to reveal some details about Sunita" (Y/N) said.

"You didn't say anything about it" April said.

"I already have plenty of rumors about me, I don't want to risk my new best friends with more  rumors." (Y/N) said.

April sparked with joy as she grabs (Y/N)'s hand.

"Let's go get Sunita! We should let her know on a plan for a treat yo self day this Saturday!" April said as she pulled (Y/N) out of the classroom.

While April and (Y/N) dashed out and towards the hallways, a slight blush is shown on (Y/N)'s face.


4/10 chapters completed

Sunita won't be added to this oneshot but I love her debut episode so I wanted to try writing her in this part and I'm so glad she's friends with April

As always leave criticisms or comments 


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