8: Donnie X Reader

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"8: They don't even know each💜other exist"

In the lair near Donnie's lab at 6 pm...

"Another unfortunate miscalculation huh Donnie..." (Y/N) said.

Donnie nearly fell out of his seat after hearing the sound of his friend's voice. Especially when (Y/N) drops by unannounced occasionally to the turtle's dismay.

"Could you please not sneak up on me whenever I'm working on something important?!" Donnie said while grabbing a cloth to wipe away the dust of the remains of a damaged battle shell. 

"Nope!" (Y/N) said.

Donnie briefly glares at his friend's response but keeps his composure after sighing.

"Any particular reason you're here at the moment (Y/N)?" Donnie said.

(Y/N) shrugs and snatches the other chair unoccupied near the entrance of Donnie's lab.

"Just stopping by as usual." (Y/N) said while twirling around their seat.

"You're going to be dizzy if you continue to do that." Donnie said.

"It's fun though. You should do this on your breaks or in case of boredom." (Y/N) said after spinning some more.

Donnie's mechanical arms appear out of his battle shell and stop (Y/N)'s chair leaving a slightly wobbly reaction from (Y/N).

"See! I told you!" Donnie said.

"Whatever Pancake." (Y/N) said after regaining their senses for a few seconds. 

"I still don't get why you call me by that nickname." Donnie said.

"To be honest, your other brothers are more deserving of the Softie nickname despite that you're a softshell turtle. Or should I try calling you that now?" (Y/N) teased at their friend with that suggestion.

"Stop! Just stop that train of thought (L/N)!" Donnie said.

"No need to be formal Donatello. Even using my surname in that matter. The short story of the Pancake nickname is because of your sweet tooth. I even brought a two backpacks with various ice cream on my way here and don't worry all of it is peanut free because of Raph's allergy." (Y/N) said.

"Huh, thanks (Y/N). And might I add what a creative nickname as well." Donnie said.

 "You're welcome. All though you might have to claim dibs on your ice cream since your brothers are in the kitchen and well..." (Y/N) said.

"Really (Y/N)?! Really?!" Donnie said as he dashed out of his lab.

(Y/N) watched over their friend with a smirk.


Near the kitchen around 6:30 pm...

Donnie looked around the kitchen and saw his brothers waiting for him.

"About time!" Leo said while crossing his arms.

"What? Why?" Donnie said.

"(Y/N) specifically told us to wait until you got here Donnie. I helped out by carrying this large cooler for them." Raph said as he pointed to it.

"They told us not to open the cooler and I really want to know what's inside." Mikey said.

"(They didn't tell my brothers about the ice cream)." Donnie thought to himself.

"We've been waiting since two hours." Raph said.

"I've already chilled out for far too long Donnie." Leo said as he goes over to open the cooler.

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