Chapter 1

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There was another Akuma attacking Paris and our trusty superheroes were in a heated battle. However, this one was tougher than most, so they had to split up; Carapace, Chat Noir, and Queen Bee helping civilians from falling debris, while Ladybug and Rena Rouge watched the Akuma to figure out how to stop it. The Akuma was headed for the school as kids and teacher scurried away in fear. Carapace, Chat Noir, and Queen Bee swooped in and pulled people to safely.

Nathaniel ran out of the building, but froze in fear as the huge Akuma towered before him. It's foot lifting over head, ready to crush down upon him. He shut his eyes and clutched his sketchbook to his chest.

"Chat Noir, go help Carapace! I'll save the red head." Queen Bee commanded and, using her spinning top, she dove in to save Nathaniel.

Just before the Akuma's huge foot crashed down, Nathaniel was in the air. Being held my the bee superhero as they swung with her spinning top.

"Qu-Queen Bee?" Nathaniel managed, despite being nearly squished a moment ago.

"Here." Queen Been stated as they landed. "Now stay out of trouble! I don't need to be saving you again." Nathaniel nodded slowly, still in shock and a bit awestruck by the hero before him. "Good."

As she turned to leave, Nathaniel grabbed her arm. "Wait!"

She turned back to look at him, but he froze again.

"What is it? What do you want? I'm kind of in the middle of saving the city." Queen Bee snapped, not liking that precious time was being waisted.

Nathaniel quickly withdrew his hand, embarrassed and blushing slightly but replied "Well, I..."

"Look, whatever you need is going to have to wait. I'll drop by once the Akuma is taken care of." Queen Bee promised, then quickly rejoined in the fight.

Nathaniel only nodded and ran in the opposite direction of the fight. Once far enough away, he marveled at the heroes. One Bee in particular. He flipped open his sketch book as he watched, wanting to capture the seen. However, when he reached for his pen it was no where in sight.

"I must have dropped it." He muttered, returning his gaze to the fight.

Nathaniel did consider looking for it, but decided against it. He had other pens and didn't want to risk getting squashed again. So he went home and waited for the fight to end.

"Pond it!" The five heroes exclaimed in unison as they did their usual fist bump.

"Great work guys. Thanks for the help." Ladybug congratulated.

"Of course! We are always ready for an Akuma!" Rena Rouge boomed.

"Yeah, well I think we should head home before the world knows our identities." Carapace warned.

As if on cue all their miraculous beeped, signaling it was time for them to head home. Even if all of them knew each other's identities, they didn't need all of Paris knowing. Especially if Hawkmoth was still out there. So, Carapace and Rena Rouge went off together, hand in hand. As did Ladybug and Chat Noir, not that they would admit there was anything going on between them. Queen Bee huffed, feeling alone as she slipped into the school bathroom and transformed back into Chloe.

"That was quite the battle my Queen." Pollen smiled to her holder.

"Yeah. Now let's just get out of here." Chloe muttered as she went for the door.

"But you promised to see Nathaniel after the attack." Pollen protested.

"Oh...right." Chloe paused in her stopped. "Let's just get you some food first. I can't quite go to him as Chloe. He'll never believe I'm the Queen Bee."

"Whatever you say my Queen." Pollen bowed and zippede into her purse.

Chloe walked out of the bathroom and proceeded out of the school. On her way out, Chloe spotted something out of the corner of her eye. She turned and saw a pen laying on the ground.

"This must be Nathaniel's." Chloe picked up the pen and stuck it in her purse.

She then headed home. As she walked her mind drifted to all the recent changes. Her friendship with Sabrina had come to a halt. They didn't have a big fight or anything, they just grew apart once Chloe became a superhero. Now Sabrina is dating Max and the two have never stopped smiling. Chloe was happy for them and happy for herself. She had changed for the better, not that everyone believed it, but she also still had somewhat of a reputation to uphold.

"Okay, we are home." Chloe declared to her Kwami.

Pollen zipped from the bag and snacked on the honey covered fruit that waited for her. Chloe plopped down on her bed and twirled the pen in her fingers as she checked her phone.

"Are you going to just keep the spinning that pen all day or do you want to give it back?" Pollen asked, hovering close to her holder.

"I'll give it back. Are you ready?" Chloe sat up, setting the phone and pen down on the bed.

"Yep." Pollen smiled.

"Alright then Pollen, buzz on!" Chloe remarked.

In a flash of yellow, Chloe transformed into Queen Bee. She took the pen, dashed out her window, and began the search for the red head. 

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