Chapter 4

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Meanwhile, Queen Bee landed in her hotel, back into Chloe.

"I can't believe I did that." Chloe flopped onto her bed.

"I can't believe it didn't happen sooner." Pollen pipped in.

"What!" Chloe sat up.

"Oh come on. You can't really believe that you didn't have a soft spot for him before all this." Pollen responded. "You have been way nicer to him first, out of everyone. It's obvious."

"I...don't know. I doubt he wants to see Queen Bee after what happened." Chloe grumbled. Pollen just rolled her eyes. "I'm serious! Who wants a girl that just springs herself on them? It just makes me look desperate and clingy."

"Fine, don't listen to me. Maybe you should talk to Marinette and Alya." Pollen remarked, then darted into her purse.

"Why?" Chloe asked, suspiciously.

"Because maybe you will listen to them instead." Pollen answered, tossing the phone over to her master.

"I'd rather not." Chloe stated, holding the phone like it was a made of trash.

"Too late." Pollen smiled.

"What?" Chloe shrieked, looking to her phone to see a text sent to Alya and Marinette asking for a girls talk. "Why did you do that? I said I didn't want to talk about it."

"Well, you need perspective and you absolutely aren't listening to me." Pollen shrugged.

Before Chloe could argue, the door to her room burst open to reveal Alya, Marinette and their Kwamis. Tikki and Trixx flew over to chat with Pollen while their holders talked.

"How did it go? What did he say? What happened? Does he know who you are? Does he love you?" Alya interrogated excited.

Chloe looked away. "What happened?" Marinette asked, worried.

"I went over to his house and...I might have...kissed Queen Bee." Chloe answered slowly.

"Oh my gosh! What happened next?" Alya pressed.

"Nothing. I left right after that." Chloe crossed her arms.

"What! How could you just leave? I can't-" Alya ranted, but was interrupted my her phone ringing. "We are not done with this. I will continue this as soon as this call ends." Alya warned. Shen then reached for her phone and answered it. "Hello? Oh hi. How are you? Me too. Yes. Yes." Alya smiled as she talked.

"I'm sure everything will be fine." Marinette attempted to sooth her troubled friend.

"Yeah." Chloe muttered.

"You will never guess who just called me!" Alya boomed, once the call ended.

"You're right, we won't." Chloe crossed her arms.

"It was Nathaniel." Alya beamed.

"What?" Chloe questioned, a mixture of fear and curiosity.

"Yeah! Since I'm still the proud owner of the Ladyblog, he asked me if I had any leads on Queen Bee." Alya answered.

"You still run the Ladyblog?" Marinette asked.

"Yes, but don't worry, no one knows our identities. Plus it would have been suspicious if I suddenly stopped the blog when I became Rena Rouge." Alya informed. "But Chloe, this is good news. If Nathaniel wants to know your identity, it means he really does have feelings for you."

"Maybe, but...will he after-" Chloe tried to argue.

"Ok, that's enough. Even I'm tired of this." Marinette grumbled. "Look Chloe, you just need to tell him. Nathaniel fell in love with the real you that you let out when you put the mask on, not the Chloe everyone thinks they know. Just tell him and make each other extremely happy."

"You go girl!" Alya cheered.

"Fine. I'll do it." Chloe gave in. "But you two need to leave first."

Alya grabbed Marinette and ran for the door yelling over her shoulder "I expect details!" With their Kwamis following behind them.

"So, are you really going to do it?" Pollen asked.

"I guess. Let's just get this over with. Pollen, buzz on." Chloe remarked.

She was quickly transformed into Queen Bee and went out looking for the red head once again. It wasn't hard. The boy was either at the park, school or his house.

"Miss me?" Queen Bee declared, standing on his balcony again.

Nathaniel spun around in shock. "'re here...I didn't think..."

"I know, but I have to show you something." Queen Bee stated, jumping down to be eye level with him. "I...I think it's time to show you who I am."

"Wait! If you're not ready, I don't want to pressure you. I care about you too much." Nathaniel took her hands.

"I'm ready. I love you Nathaniel and I don't want to hide it. I want to be able to hold your hand and walk down the street, like a real couple. I can't do that as Queen Bee, it would put you in far to much danger." Queen Bee replied.

"Ok, if you're ready." Nathaniel smiled.

"I am, just promise me you will still want me when you find out who I am." Queen Bee remarked, nervously.

"I promise." Nathaniel assured.

Queen Bee nodded and closed her eye and said "Pollen, buzz off." In a flash of yellowish light, Queen Bee transformed back into Chloe Bourgeois. She opened her eyes and met his surprised gaze. "So...what do you think?"

Once the shock wore off, Nathaniel smiled and gently cupped her face.

"I think you're perfect." Nathaniel then kissed her on the lips.

Chloe's eyes were huge with shock, but she quickly kissed him back and pulled him closer. They kissed as if it would be their last and with all the love they wanted to give the other.

"I love you, Chloe Bourgeois." Nathaniel breathed.

"And I love you, Nathaniel Kurtzberg." Chloe smiled.

After that, they became an amazing couple. Always doing whatever it took to make each other happy.

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